90 Miles From Tyranny : Can RFK Jr. Overcome the Confirmation Bias of American Roulette Survivors?

Friday, July 7, 2023

Can RFK Jr. Overcome the Confirmation Bias of American Roulette Survivors?

It’s abundantly clear that the Democratic Party establishment and their mouthpieces in the corporate media are panicked about the surprisingly strong fundraising and poll numbers Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has garnered since announcing his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination two months ago. Their anxiety over RFK’s candidacy has less to do with a concern that it highlights the weakness of incumbent Joe Biden (whose declining mental acuity and metastasizing corruption scandals already have Democratic strategists openly talking about replacing him with another regime sock-puppet) than it does with their terror of his potential to disrupt the reigning establishment narrative they have taken such pains to cultivate over the last three years.

As Tucker Carlson recently pointed out in a viral Twitter episode, Kennedy is obviously a much graver threat to that narrative than Donald Trump ever could be, which is why the efforts to sideline RFK’s candidacy with direct attempts to delegitimize and deplatform him are so much more blatant than they were when Trump was rising as a potential GOP nominee. After all, here is a guy that the corporate media had successfully canceled 18 years ago, doing an end run around the censorship by forcing discussion of verboten issues with a presidential run. The sheer gall!

Even more threatening than his devastating critique of the neocon Security/War State apparatus and its ruinous push for regime change in Russia, or his equally lethal appraisal of the corrupt regulatory capture of our government agencies by the industries they ostensibly oversee, is RFK’s specific takedown of the medical establishment in the United States, and its thorough corruption at the hands of Big Pharma. Two years ago, when he laid out a detailed history of that corruption in the The Real Anthony Fauci, a densely argued and painstakingly documented account of Anthony Fauci’s career and his central role in perverting the entire medical and scientific research establishment, it was relatively easy for that establishment and its apologists to avoid engagement with RFK’s thoroughly documented assertions. Central to Kennedy’s book is the account of the deep financial entanglements between Big Pharma and the government health agencies ostensibly responsible for the industry’s regulation. Fauci personally benefited from the “regulatory capture” of the government health agencies that Kennedy documents, both in terms of the power he accrued to himself as a result of the control he exerted over scientific and medical research purse strings, and because of the Big Pharma revenue streams he created for his own National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and numerous other federal health agencies. While the book sold over a million copies, the effective media blackout allowed the Fauci cabal to sidestep engagement with any of the book’s carefully documented allegations.

Now, with renewed access to alternative media platforms and renewed interest in his views as a result of his presidential run, the media blackout is collapsing. Continued censorship by network news hacks and cable dinosaurs like MSNBC, CNN, and FOX with their plummeting viewership means little when Kennedy now has access to vast audiences such as that of Joe Rogan, who had RFK on for three hours last month for an in depth interview in which he was given the opportunity to correct the record about his assertions regarding vaccine safety. It turns out, as many Americans heard for the first time in the interview, that Kennedy’s views on the matter are hardly extreme, and characterizing him as an “anti-vaxer” is simply a method of discrediting him to avoid engagement or debate.

In actuality, Kennedy merely recommends requiring the same regimen of pre-authorization safety testing mandated for every other drug approved by the FDA and calls for further study of the concurrence between the explosion of the childhood vaccine schedule and the explosion of autism and auto immune diseases among children in the last three decades. He further made a compelling case that the origin of his cancelation from the national debate, a blockbuster 2005 expose simultaneously published in Rolling Stone and Salon entitled “Deadly Immunity” was never, in fact, debunked, but only withdrawn from publication years later under concerted corporate pressure on the publishers from the pharmaceutical industry. The gist of that piece—that the NIH convened a secret damage-control conference in Simpsonwood, Georgia in 2000 after realizing that a study they themselves had commissioned confirmed a link between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism—is immediately verifiable when one simply reviews the transcript of the conference.

Kennedy also took the opportunity of the Rogan podcast to highlight the hypocrisy and the evolving, self-contradictory public statements of Dr. Peter Hotez, perhaps the most prominent promoter of the Covid vaccine over the last three years aside from Dr. Fauci himself. Although Hotez pointed to “unique potential safety problems” related to the Covid vaccines in 2020 Congressional testimony related to Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” push for urgent approval of the vaccine, Hotez did a complete 180 turn once Biden took office, insisting without qualification on their absolute safety and efficacy. As the vaccines serially failed to live up to his guarantees of “long lasting protection” against disease and transmission, Hotez ludicrously doubled down on hawking the vaccine, first lying that “I’ve always said this is a three-dose vaccine,” then insisting that “a fourth immunization” would be necessary “to keep the country going,” and finally recommending that a booster “every few months” would be necessary because the immunity from the completely safe and effective vaccine “isn’t holding up as well as we would like.” In his last round of Covid vax hucksterism, he was urging that the shots be...

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  1. There are things that RFK, jr is good on drugs, vaccines, Big Pharma, Big Med, the Military Industrial Complex & War, and the push of Corporate running government. There are also things that he is not good on: illegals, Climate Change, and Regulations. I will never trust a Democrat.

  2. RFK said he would sign an "assault" weapons ban. I like the guy but like JG I would never vote for a dem. Having a general with DJT and RFK would be great, the election fraud scum wouldn't know who to cheat for.

    It's also tough to walk back from saying climate change deniers need to be jailed.


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