90 Miles From Tyranny : China's Saboteurs Are Coming to America

Saturday, July 15, 2023

China's Saboteurs Are Coming to America

  • There is now a Chinese invasion of the U.S. homeland.
  • Chinese migrants are entering the United States on foot at the southern border. Almost all are desperate, seeking a better life for themselves and their children. Some, however, are coming to commit acts of sabotage.
  • Many [Chinese], however, are short-circuiting the long waits at the consulates. At the southern border, Chinese migrants are entering the United States in unprecedented numbers.
  • Once here, the military fighters can link up with China's agents already in place or Chinese diplomats.
  • How many of the PLA fighters have slipped into the United States this way? Some estimate 5,000, others 10,000. Those numbers sound high, but whatever the actual figure more are coming.
  • These are China's shock troops. The concern is that, on the first day of war in Asia they will take down America's power lines, poison reservoirs, assassinate officials, start wildfires, spread pathogens, and create terror by bombing shopping malls and supermarkets.
  • The saboteurs will almost certainly attack American military bases. China has already been probing sensitive installations. Chinese agents posing as tourists have, for instance, intruded into bases, including the Army's Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska.
  • "When the Chinese Communist Party starts its war against Taiwan and the United States, Americans should expect that Chinese sleeper agents now in America will hit targets like gas stations and military-age Chinese now crossing our border will be mobilized for assassination attacks and assaults on U.S. military bases." — Richard Fisher, International Assessment and Strategy Center, to Gatestone, June 17, 2023
  • [T]he next war in Asia will almost certainly be fought on U.S. soil, perhaps on its first day. Unsuspecting Americans will be in the fight.
  • Immigrants make countries strong, and almost all the Chinese migrants crossing the southern border will contribute to American society. Some, however, are coming to wage war on the United States.
There is now a Chinese invasion of the U.S. homeland.

"The jungle is filled with Chinese marching to America," said war correspondent Michael Yon to Gatestone.

Chinese migrants are entering the United States on foot at the southern border. Almost all are desperate, seeking a better life for themselves and their children. Some, however, are coming to commit acts of sabotage.

China is in a state of distress; gloom pervades Chinese society. Chinese by the hundreds are now patiently waiting for visas in sweltering heat in lines at U.S. consulates in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

Many, however, are short-circuiting the long waits at the consulates. At the southern border, Chinese migrants are entering the United States in unprecedented numbers. U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports that the number of apprehensions of Chinese migrants in the first five months of the current federal fiscal year was more than double that during all of the last fiscal year. The 8,000 Chinese migrants apprehended this calendar year are more than quadruple the number apprehended in the comparable period a year ago.

Chinese nationals are flying to Ecuador, which permits them to enter visa-free. They then make their way to the southern edge of the Darien Gap, about 66 miles of jungle separating Colombia and Panama. The migrants cross the natural barrier on foot, and once safely on the north side continue the journey to America, often by...

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  1. when the flag goes up. the first thing we need to do is round up the politicians. they are the ones who sold us out.

  2. I find it interesting that almost all of the passengers in those boats are wearing PFD's. So the boat drivers or the boat owning company providing the transport are supplying passengers with PFD's? How are "the poor downtrodden migrants" affording a boat trip around the "dangerous Darien Gap jungle"? Just like the one about the "poor downtrodden migrants" WALKING thousands of miles from S. America to our southern border. Horsepuckey.


  3. As pragmatic as the Chinese may be, I doubt they will play by the same playbook as the dirty scoundrels in the tla's and stink tanks. The attacks on Walmartians will be the usual false flags.

  4. If the pentagon leaders don't expect those 5 to 10,000 Chinese to be not just PLA, but at least some amount of them to be the cream of the PLA's special forces, they're as dumb as they look.

    Which in the case of General Milley Vanilly and Secretary Austin (of the plastic face shield) is pretty bad already.

  5. I would imagine that Chinese are well versed in Sun Tzu's teachings.

  6. Only if they Beat the Patriots


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