90 Miles From Tyranny : Ron DeSantis Allows Democrats to Hunt Down Trump Supporters in FL

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Ron DeSantis Allows Democrats to Hunt Down Trump Supporters in FL

Ron DeSantis has given J6 feds and their local Democrat henchmen free rein in Florida.

In her new episode of Loomer Unleashed, Laura Loomer exposed Ron DeSantis for allowing Florida Democrats and Biden’s DOJ to target Trump supporters. Florida has the most J6 defendants of any state. Trump has committed to giving full pardons to January 6th political prisoners should he be victorious in 2024, as numerous polls indicate he will be.

On her new episode of Loomer Unleashed, Laura Loomer reminded us that Ron DeSantis was glad that the Biden DOJ was arresting Trump supporters. DeSantis told residents of the villages, “I actually am glad to see some of these people [Trump supporters] being arrested from the DC thing, because I think the prosecutions will really make a difference.”

Florida has the most arrests for J6 of any state. To conduct these mass arrests of Florida residents, Ron DeSantis has allowed the United States Capitol Police to set up offices in Tampa, Florida. The Capitol Police mobile offices in Florida are the first of their kind and could lead to a total federal takeover of policing.

Loomer’s video also reminded us of Ron DeSantis’ horrific tweet from January 7th, 2021. In this tweet, DeSantis praised the United States Capitol Police for murdering Ashli Babbit and instigating the events on J6.

Tucker Carlson and others have exposed the fact that United States Capitol Police Officers were undercover instigating the events on January 6th, 2021. Video from that day proves that United States Capitol Police allowed protesters into the Capitol complex.

Loomer highlighted that Ron DeSantis has filled his staff with never-Trump globalists. NationalFile reported on DeSantis’ latest hire, Cody Hall. Hall is a NATO-supporting warmonger who was excited that Donald Trump had been arrested.

DeSantis also allowed Florida Democrats to target Trump supporters following...

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  1. Wow talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Who could have predicted that the Gov would plummet like this? All he had to do was keeping being a pretty good gov, back DJT in 2024, honed his skills and 2028 would have been his for the taking.

    But trying this now has exposed what a vain & weak dude he is. He's done.

    1. You're right. Min. He was seduced by the donor money. His one shot at redemption for the future is to end his campaign and throw his full support behind Trump.

  2. We do not need the Capitol Police setting up offices in various cities or states as they are to protect the Capitol. Each state Governor should be after them if they have an office in their state.

  3. Hold on a second. I wonder if that was not taken out of context because I, too, believe the J6 rioters should face prosecution - BUT NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS. The violent ones were the false flag actors that tried to gin up the crowd (Epps, et al) and I would love to see them get their just desserts, but the FJB Admin is giving them cover.

  4. Showing his TRUE colors.

  5. MMinWa x2, as a florduhh resident my hope was that he would stay out of the fed shitshow and continue as a great governor...but this piece hasn't got me convinced he's a weak dude showing his true colors, it just shows how dirty the game really is

  6. Speaking of J6 prisoners, where has Trump been with his support and defense of the protesters? Crickets... Crickets... Crickets... This is complete bullshit from a nut job, Laura Looney. Fact is that only the people that were violent should be prosecuted. The Feds have offices in EVERY STATE so saying that RD has anything to do with what they do in their offices is a LIE. All you people attacking DeSantis are fools. The guy has enacted and done EVERYTHING we conservatives want and believe. He's turned a purple state into deep red. WTF else do you want? And remember, Trump turned over the country to Fauci and Birx in 2020 and still defends the poisonous jabs to this day. I'll vote for either of them, but the truth is that DeSantis is the better choice.

  7. And one other thing... when Bragg was coming after Trump, DeSantis offered him safety from extradition. The next day, Trump extradites himself. I like Trump. Voted for him twice. But he's toxic to the independents. He can win the primary, but he won't win the general. DeSantis is highly favored by independents and will absolutely win the general. Those of you in the Trump cult need to start being a bit more objective.

    1. You should do standup comedy, you're good at being funny.

  8. Really getting tired of Trump and his supporters burning down anyone not Trump. Voted for him twice but cripes almighty stop the circular firing squad and go after FJB. There lays the real problem in this country.

  9. You quoted Laura Loomer. Enough said on this.


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