90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #1567

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Visage à trois #1567

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

To Download These Videos:

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Right click on the video until you get the "Save Video As" Dialog.

Save the video to your hard drive.

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Keep right clicking until you get the dialog, "Copy Video Address"  Now you have a link. 

Attribution would be appreciated. 

Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


  1. I don't know which is more amazing; the stupidity of the Trump protesters or the patience of that horse!!!

  2. That horse shoeing video was about the most fascinating thing I've watched in a month. My question is how did horses manage(or not) in the wild without getting their feet worked liked that?

  3. I used to be involved with horses and horse people, specifically horse women, in my twenties. Care, feeding, transportation, barn and trailer maintenance, shows, tack, pitchforks, wheelbarrows... the whole shebang. Many experiences with the gaslighting and manipulation of the hired help, and especially the unpaid "volunteers" that were shanghaied into all sorts of dirty and dangerous horse related labor. If you know what I mean.

    Horse women are a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, I had many a great time during those years, but I finally realized the connection between these girls and almost every significant scar, physical and emotional, I had accumulated up 'til then.

    When I was on the way out of that life, one of the funniest and most satisfying experiences of the whole era was that I was privileged to witness the utter dressing down and chewing out of one of the last of these girls I dealt with by a farrier when he came out and discovered that she had fucked up every single hoof on the farm with her attempts to save a few bucks.

    It was glorious, I still think about it and use it as the gold standard of reference for a true scathing reprimand.

  4. The Horse is smarter then the Trump protester as these Trump protesters are Biden lovers.


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