90 Miles From Tyranny : When The Anti-Semitism Guns Fail, What Do You Have Left, Bully Media? Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You But How You Can Help Sink Your Country By Way Of Cheap Shot Accusations

Monday, July 24, 2023

When The Anti-Semitism Guns Fail, What Do You Have Left, Bully Media? Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You But How You Can Help Sink Your Country By Way Of Cheap Shot Accusations


The American Media Class' Dark Art Of Gotcha Finds Formidable Foe In RFK Jr.

"Ultimately, the success of this venture is in God’s hands, and the only thing I have control over is the little piece of real estate inside of my own shoes," he said. "My biggest objective is to end this process with my integrity intact. My second objective is to get elected president of the United States."

—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Over the weekend, I wrestled with the RFK Jr. “antisemitism” story. I felt I was breathing re-circulated airplane air, became weary, and never published what I wrote. (But he was accurate! Here’s the paper! Here’s another one!)

(Moments ago, I did publish it, after all, so you can see the evidence.)

But the reason I initially didn’t publish it is that I realized it’s part of the trap to fire back at these people with evidence and reason. If I were advising RFK Jr.’s campaign, I would say: “Let him talk. He will always sound like peace and they will always sound like war.” (I may be alone in the camp that argues RFK Jr. is actually an American Transcendentalist.)

Here’s what’s so interesting, and so hopeful:

RFK Jr. knows how to actually transform these moments by using a method that wins by changing the battlefield.

His father and uncle were close to poets—Robert Frost and Yevgeny Yevtushenko to cite but two—and it shows in RFK Jr’s lapidary use of words. But these words are always emanating from a distant land for the American ear, 2023:

That which is.

(“Truth” is a near ruined word.)

This is a digression, but I doubt most people know this, and it’s worth a detour:

This outtake below is from the…Washington Post (!) 1987.

As you know, I love Yevtushenko, father of the great line, among many others, describing a literary in-crowd: “…you who are so revoltingly normal, you are abnormal from birth.”

I didn't know about the friendship between Robert F. Kennedy and Yevtushenko, until recently, and this anecdote contains, for me personally, an oasis of meaning:

1987 WaPo article “US Betrayed Two Soviets, Interpreter Confirms,” here.

“The cynical logic was shattering. There is more to this story but the time has not come to tell it,” Yevtushenko said.

…”A spokesman for The Central Intelligence Agency had no comment.”

The CIA was betraying Soviet dissidents in the 1960s, causing them lengthy prison sentences, or worse. (Vladimir Bukovsky and Diana West correct, again.)

Robert F. Kennedy brought Yevtushenko into a bathroom in his home, and turned on the shower, to deflect the sound in order to tell him the truth.

If that does not do it for you—

Mr. Kennedy was a Democrat and a champion of real human rights, but was not an internationalist/globalist, nor is his son. Forget Democrat/Republican—I see this as the only distinction of real consequence. Plenty of Republicans are globalist/collectivist agents; Very few Democrats are not.

I’m going to call Diana West and ask her if she knows this astounding historical detail. (Probably, she does.)

In college, a beloved classics professor (of Irish descent) told us there was figure known as an “Aristotelian hero” who “lights up when he falls.” I never forgot it.

RFK Jr. lights up when he falls.

What I think they (Woke Media) are discovering is this: Even when you bash Robert F. Kennedy Jr. like a piƱata at a very popular kid’s party, the result is not predictable, and can even backfire disquietingly.

Woke Media stands foiled and naked as Andersen’s Emperor today.

And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once again stands champion, between them (abuser) and us, (American people) triumphant by way of that wholly un-American quality called honesty. Read to the end.

"It’s clear to me now that I need to be much more careful," Kennedy told JNS. (Jewish News Syndicate.)

"I have to learn a lesson from this, and the lesson I learn is that I have to understand that the words that I use have impact, and they can be misused and misinterpreted," he said. "I regret talking about that study, and I am going to be careful to make sure that I don’t do anything like that in the future."

“Kennedy's controversial remarks included the Democratic presidential candidate saying he did not know whether the virus* was "deliberately targeted or not," but that there were "papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact" on different groups.”

(*They mean bio-weapon.)

Article here. (In the comments, by the way, I tried to comment by citing the scientific literature RFK Jr. was citing, and was blocked, with a message telling me my comment would be found “inappropriate” by some people. I was offered a chance to “submit it anyway” and it is “pending approval.”)

If I were running the opposition’s black PR ops, I would have long since called the bully A-team together and said:

“Look, we have an emergency situation here. This guy owns his mistakes. He’s not going to be provoked into saying something we can use to make the nation even more miserable than we’ve made it thus far.

“We have to be prepared for him turning it all around on us. He’s an AA guy—a recovered former addict who turned his life around. He’s trained to do something called ruthless moral inventory. What is that, again? Can somebody look it up in that AA book whatever it is? Anyway, we have to factor it in at all times. He’s got some kind of interior code we have to study. This one’s not going to be easy, guys”

Picture the foiled Warner Bros. villain frown, smoking ears, and exploding cigar: Dammit, this guy takes all of that flogging, (even his own family words like “vile”) and turns it into lessons he has to learn?

Fox News article, circles back to That Which Is:

"There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately," he said. "COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese."

“According to the Post, Kennedy also claimed the Chinese "are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons," and that the U.S. was also "developing ethnic bioweapons."

“White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre ripped his comments as "false," (she is WRONG) "vile" (not the “science,” but the citing of it) and said they "put our fellow Americans in danger." (Unlike lockdowns, the decimation of the US economy and injections that have by the government’s own admission have maimed and killed a huge number) Kennedy's nephew, former Rep. Joe Kennedy III, said his uncle's comments were "hurtful and wrong," while his sister Kerry Kennedy condemned them as "deplorable and untruthful." (Is Kerry Kennedy intending to invoke HRC by choosing that word, “deplorable?”)

“After the Post story broke, Kennedy attempted to clarify his remarks on social media, calling the Post's story "mistaken" and linking a study detailing the different effects COVID-19 had on people of different races to support his claims.

"I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns and Ashkenazi Jews," he said.

“Kennedy also responded to his family, telling Fox News Digital, "The reactions of these family members are based on the New York Post's misreporting and willful mischaracterization of what I said. This is an example of how the media manipulates Americans into turning against one another. Fortunately, I am sure that the love within our family will prevail over these attempts to divide us. May the same be true for the country."

Kennedy described his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination as...

Read More HERE


  1. I suspect RFK is... a ploy. They are attacking him merely to get relief from Repugnants. They are very much on his side, mostly. The thing about the left, is, if there are disagreements, that is normal. It's a hate-based system, you have to expect that.

    The thing is, if it's of the left? They hate only the "other side" more, and enough, to join cause. Biden is considered toast. They are looking for someone new. RFK fits the bill. He is, if not now at least in the near future, a far more serious threat to real Americans than Biden. If he gets shoehorned in, the way they got Biden in, we are in deep trouble. That guy actually has a few brain cells, and absolutely evil intent, not just corrupt intent.

    My two cents. Watch your ass out there.

  2. RFK Jr is anti-2nd amendment and should never be in government. I don't hear or understand what he is saying. He needs closed captions. I hope he runs, I hope he takes away 20% of the vote from the Democrat candidate. I hope he is never electd or appointed to any government position.


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