90 Miles From Tyranny : A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet — Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch?

Friday, August 18, 2023

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet — Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch?

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: January 6 prisoner Ryan Samsel pictured in the closet room he was held in for 5 months in isolation.

January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.

During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021.

Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit received exclusive photos from Ryan Samsel’s prison cell at the FDC in Philadelphia. The cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time. The cell had a thin blue mattress, no sheets or blankets, no clothing, and he was kept here for five months straight.

The photos are just shocking. This is taking place in America today. This is who we are.

Ryan told The Gateway Pundit in a conversation this week, “I was kept in … a hard cell. And in that particular cell about five, six months. I even told you what was happening is the judge was actually calling, trying to get in contact with me because I wasn’t in a named cell. They were missing me and they were saying I wasn’t showing up to court. They were saying I wasn’t showing up to medical. But they were pretty much keeping me in there… Like I said, it was cold, the light was on, there’s zero window. And that followed me from Virginia. When I was in Virginia, it was the same exact conditions.”

Ryan described the same situation in Virginia, “It was Central Regional Virginia Jail (CVRJ). I was kept in and they called it booking hard cell, which is you get zero phone, zero commissary, zero clothing because they think that you’re going to hang yourself and you’re on constant surveillance. You’re under surveillance constantly. The light has to be on 24/7. You’re locked in a cell. There is no getting out. The windows in Virginia were covered by a black mat, so you weren’t able to see. And it’s constant nothing. It’s deprivation of everything.”

Ryan told The Gateway Pundit that there are no books allowed, no letters, no photos. Nothing. The yellow bucket was his toilet.

Ryan believes the government tortured him for months so he would rat out the Proud Boys. They even beat Ryan numerous times and kept him locked down so he couldn’t communicate with...

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  1. This is what 'Post Constitutional America' looks like

  2. maybe one of the leftist comrades can chime in here to fact check and blow some peace pipe smoke so far up our asses that we fart smoke rings for a week or two

  3. When the balloon goes up, these gubmint goons will see violence unleashed on them and their families like they could never imagine, magnified 100X because of shit like this.

    1. 'When the balloon goes up ...'
      That it hasn't yet says all that need be said.

      Anyone wanting to make a course correction for America should consider themselves a one man insurgency.

  4. We treat our enemies better in Gitmo.

  5. Next Mr. O'Brian will have him in for an "Enlightenment Session" in Room 101!

  6. This is straight out of the "Commie 101 Book for Tyranny." These goons will keep pushing until we stand up & push back, using the 2A.

    1. Please tell me,
      I really want to know;
      Where is that line to cross
      before you get up and go?

  7. Almost time to eliminate anyone wearing a badge. Agents of tyranny have no human rights.


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