90 Miles From Tyranny : 'Evil globalist' WEF founder Klaus Schwab says future technology will eliminate the need for ELECTIONS

Friday, August 11, 2023

'Evil globalist' WEF founder Klaus Schwab says future technology will eliminate the need for ELECTIONS

We don’t know how else to say it: the World Economic Forum is pure evil. The organization's leaders have long been champions of global cleansing, elitism, and world domination – although they package that message in more palatable terms.

According to Klaus Schwab, we will soon have technology so advanced that it will eliminate the need for elections.

“Digital technologies mainly have an analytical power, now we go into a predictive power,” he says. “The next step could be to go into a prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections any more because you can already predict.”

“Why do we need elections, because we know what the result will be? Can you imagine such a world?” he concludes.

Yes, we can imagine such a world, and it’s not one we want any part of.

Read More HERE


  1. The man needs a good strong case of lead poisoning!!!

  2. in May 1789, the French found a much better solution for people like Klaus Schwab.

  3. (((they))) can already predict... that's why Brandon never left the basement

  4. I think the 007 author, Ian Fleming, was trying to tell ppl something when he included SPECTRE in his books.

  5. COOL, Numbers say Trump wins

  6. I believe the appropriate phrase is, "Sieg Heil".

    Anonymous said...

    I think the 007 author, Ian Fleming, was trying to tell ppl something when he included SPECTRE in his books.

    Actually, he was closer with THRUSH (he was an uncredited co-creator of The Man From UNCLE). As Napoleon Solo described them, "They believe in the 2 party system. The masters and the slaves".

    That's the Davos crowd in a nutshell.


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