90 Miles From Tyranny : New Evidence Vindicates Trump’s 2020 Claims About Biden Corruption

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

New Evidence Vindicates Trump’s 2020 Claims About Biden Corruption

Even as the federal government and social media platforms apparently colluded to suppress information about Hunter Biden’s laptop and other damning evidence related to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election, his rival repeatedly levied harsh accusations on the campaign trail and during debates.

In the nearly three years since, a trove of new claims — many of which have been backed up by documentation — have further highlighted the Biden family’s apparent willingness to trade political influence for financial gain.

The evidence that has piled up throughout Biden’s first term appears to validate the concerns Trump brought to light during one September 2020 debate in particular.

“China ate your lunch, Joe,” the then-president declared at the time. “And no wonder your son goes in and … takes out billions of dollars. He takes out billions of dollars to manage. He makes millions of dollars. And also, while we’re at it, why is it — just out of curiosity — the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave your son three and a half million dollars?”

After Biden denied the claim, Trump added: “What did he do to deserve it? What did he do with Burisma?”

The second question related to the younger Biden’s lucrative deal with a Ukrainian energy company, prompting Biden to claim that his son “did nothing wrong” while raking in millions from Burisma.

“I think he did,” Trump insisted.

Biden went on to claim that the allegations against his family had been “thoroughly discredited” without offering any proof.

When Trump asked who had discredited the accusations of wrongdoing, Biden asserted that it was “the media.”

The next month, Biden and Trump squared off for another debate, this time in the wake of widely suppressed reports by...

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  1. I'm tired of being months or years ahead of The pub Lookie what we Just Found Out, Shocking True Stuff. I'm glad they are finding evidence of the obvious, I'm just done reading it. If anyone had just been listening to the radio while Hillary was losing the races,and getting awarded more delegates,,
    Who doesn't KNOW it was Seth Rich who accessed the computer and loaded it on the thumb drive? A Robbery? Riiight.. And nothing is missing,, yeah, got it. He was tired of watching his guy getting screwed.

  2. and here we sit around, nodding like a bunch of bobbleheads (he's right, y' know! he's right.), doing nothing.

  3. The Red Army has already won. They are just waiting until the next “Election” to start the final takeover.
    I expect they will sweep the elections, Clarence Thomas will have a “accident. Then the SCOTUS will rule the 2nd Amendment null and void. Then those who don’t comply will be removed.
    (I truly hope I’m wrong. But the communists have come too far to give up now.
    It was nice knowing you all!

  4. I am upset that they have not impeached Biden and his Admin fools already. This should be in the Senate at the moment. It is showing that these Republicans are really UNIPARTY Dems and only a few really care for the country. We must look closely at who is in Congress and plan to replace the people with America First.



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