90 Miles From Tyranny : Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Border Control Is Love, Not Hate

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Border Control Is Love, Not Hate

Americans must control their borders for humanitarian reasons, says Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Democrat who is challenging President Joe Biden for the 2024 nomination.

“The reason for strong border control is not xenophobia, bigotry, or hate,” Kennedy tweeted on August 7. “The reason is humanitarian conscience … Ruthless criminal cartels have woven drugs, immigration, and human trafficking together into a multibillion-dollar business,” he added.

Kennedy is trying to restore the Democrat party’s former skepticism about migration, which largely ended when President Barack Obama signaled his support for illegal migration in 2012.

Obama’s signal prompted status-seeking progressive voters to discard their claimed support for working-class Americans, and to instead vociferously support mass illegal migration as a “humanitarian” cause. In time, they portrayed the public’s demand for border control as “hate” or “xenophobia.”

That elitist and condescending view remains a minority because the public is alarmed by the civic and economic cost of Biden’s mass migration.

Under Joe Biden, and with Obama’s quiet backing, Democratic progressives have imported more than five million illegals — along with millions of legal immigrants and visa workers.

The huge inflow of migrants has subsidized coastal investors, imported clients for government agencies, weakened the political power of middle-class America, made many millions of Americans dependent on...

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  1. The first thing we need to do is eliminate sending money to foreign countries and the UN (The UN would be cut down to $1 per year so we can keep in the Security Council). This needs to stop so our country debt ends.

    The Next thing is to block all personal money being sent by people to foreign countries and make sure that the people sending them are US citizens and identify where the money is going. Too much money is being sent to Central America each year by people in the USA.

    Any illegal in the USA should not get any benefit. If an illegal tries to get a benefit they should be immediately deported.

  2. Don't even think a Kennedy believes any such thing. Their dad was dismissed from England, as Ambassador, for being pro-Hitler during WWII. Those acorns didn't fall any distance at all from that tree. He will sell anyone out, for power. A Kennedy is a Kennedy is a Kennedy. Some say his dad and uncle were shot for the wrong reasons. I... have some wonder that they were shot for the right reasons. Won't ever really know, but... can suspect. And I do. He's just like them.

    And I'm Catholic. Then again, so is Pelosi, if you believe her. Or them, or Biden. No... no I think not. A lot of the church is rot.

  3. Ever noticed, "Jasmin" types only show up when the discussion goes off the reservation? Plant. Meant to stifle discussion. Know it, understand.


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