90 Miles From Tyranny : Senator Ron Johnson: COVID-19 Was 'Pre-Planned' - Says Goal Was 'Taking People’s Freedom'

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Senator Ron Johnson: COVID-19 Was 'Pre-Planned' - Says Goal Was 'Taking People’s Freedom'

During a Friday morning interview with Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) told the American people that the COVID-19 panic was "all pre-planned by an elite group of people," with the end goal of "our loss of freedom."

The conversation reportedly began with talk of the well-known medicine ivermectin which was prescribed by many doctors during the COVID-19 outbreak with remarkable success but was actively suppressed by social networks and mainstream media outlets at the Biden administration's behest.

Bartiromo began according to Fox Business, “Senator, I remember talking with you repeatedly during Covid about your upset that you were they were trying to cancel you because you were talking to doctors to try to find out the right ways to treat Covid without having to get too many boosters and Covid shots."

She continued, "I remember I took ivermectin! And, you know, it was hard to do because initially the pharmacist wanted to report my doctor and he didn’t want it. You know, I mean, I had to like, it was hard to find my doctor to finally, you know, address this and prescribe ivermectin. He did, my Covid was gone in a day when I took ivermectin. And now three years later, the FDA says, Oh, yeah, that’s fine. Take ivermectin. What?”

“Maria, you know, the doctors I’ve been dealing with and talking to for years now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied real treatment,” Johnson answered. “And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin, who said, come on, you all, you’re not a cow, you’re not a horse.”
“We are going down a very dangerous path," Johnson warned. "But it’s the path that is being laid out in plan by an elite group of people. That want to take total control over our lives. And that’s what they’re doing bit by bit. They do it by increasing massive government spending, increasing the size of government takeover of the truth.”

Maria asked, “It’s just extraordinary to me that, you know, the government was working with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth and has been doing so repeatedly. I mean, you know, we just saw the Facebook story, the Twitter, the Twitter files all of the time, all the way. Government officials from the CDC, the FBI, CIA, I mean, a thousand people, according to the reporters working on the Twitter files, worked with social media to amplify lies and suppress truth. Why couldn’t the American people know that you know, there were other alternatives to treat Covid? Why can’t the American people know that there were side effects with...

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  1. Whelp, he's about to be Epsteined...

  2. They didn't have to build ovens this time, the families disposed of the victims for them.

  3. Crimes against humanity. Death penalty for ALL involved. NOTHING LESS will be justice.

  4. The COVID virus did not affect 99.9% of people. Most of the people affected were above 60 years old and the death rate was very low. As the age got younger there was no affect.

    Initial reports by various Doctors in all parts of the USA was that a combination of HQC+Ivermectin+Z-pack would stop the COVID virus quickly. This was reported via the internet but was quickly blocked on the internet. The question is why was that blocked and who got the various internet providers to block it?

    The COVID vaccines, which are actually "Emergency Drugs" were put out by multiple Big Pharma companies. The release of these go against "The Nuremburg Code" and the US Laws we have for that. The COVID virus was created in China as is most Big Pharma drugs.

    Normally to do a proper vaccine it takes a very small sample of the virus and then about five years of testing and putting it out to the public without over 100 people have side affects or deaths. This was not done as the "Emergency Drugs" were listed as vaccines to all ages, pushed heavily by media, pushed by corporations and government or you would lose your job, and in many times people got sent to Hospitals. Once in a Hospital they died due to the way they were treated.

    The government gave Hospitals money for COVID activity so if anyone was in the Hospital for any work it somehow became COVID. If they had a accident and died it became COVID. This threw off the actual information on what was the activity happening such as Cancer and so on.

    The Emergency Drugs since they were put out quickly does not fully have a listing of what affect they will have on people. The US government gave the Big Pharma companies freedom from being sued.

    The issues that are being seen are people are having Heart Attacks, Massive Blood Clots, and other issues. It seems this was planned to kill people. Look at Bill Gates and WEF wanting to lower World population especially in the Western Countries.


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