90 Miles From Tyranny : Education Or Indoctrination? Universities welcome students back with ‘Queering Menstruation,’ ‘Anal 101’ events

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Education Or Indoctrination? Universities welcome students back with ‘Queering Menstruation,’ ‘Anal 101’ events

As college students return to their schooling this month, several universities are offering a variety of programs that delve into fringe topics, such as an event titled “Queering Menstruation” and another called “Anal 101.”

“Queering Menstruation” will be held Sept. 19 at Colgate University as part of the programming offered by the Center for Women’s Studies Brown Bag Series.

“Menstruation can be exceptionally difficult for nonbinary and trans-masculine individuals because it’s a biological process that is often times associated with womanhood,” the website states. “…Queering mestruation [sic] can hopefully aid the building of more positive relationships between periods and trans and/or nonbinary people.”

At the University of Louisville, an “Anal Sex 101” workshop was hosted last week to help the campus community discern “fact versus fiction,” according to a campus newsletter, which added “join the discussion about the anal sex culture and learn the truth about safe and pleasurable anal sex.”

The College Fix also obtained a copy of the event’s flier, which boasted the workshop would answer questions such as “What are poppers” and “Is douching safe?”

Later this month, Wright State University students are hosting Sex Week, which will include an “Art Sexpo,” “Condom Race,” and “Sex Deity” events.

On Sept. 29, Tulane University will host a “Pillow Talk” event with Ina Kaur, a visiting professor in ceramics with a scholarly focus on “concealed, veiled, and obscured Gender and Ecological issues that continue to permeate...

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  1. Really. trans menstruations? i do hope they bleed to death.

  2. If bleeding occurs from the anal pore please see a proctologist.

  3. Anyone wonder why men are opting out of school after 12th grade, and avoiding relationships with women?

    Someone explain how today is a positive advance over decades preceeding.

  4. I love that term 'brown bag series' offered by the Center for Women Studies. You would always need a bag if dating one of them.

  5. Didn't this all start because only bigots worry about what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom?

    1. Yes, but that was their defensive response.

      We're here because too many people for too many years said. I don't care what you do in your bedroom, but ... Then, I don't care what two consenting adults do, but ....

      After the ever more granulated, I don't care, but ... now they do care. Oh so now you do care. Isn't that special. Those I don't cares helped flip the swich.

  6. "On Sept. 29, Tulane University will host a “Pillow Talk” event with Ina Kaur, a visiting professor in ceramics".
    A professor in ceramics? It must have a job in its chosen profession if it needs to give lectures on butt sex.

  7. Correction : It must NOT have a job in its chosen.......


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