90 Miles From Tyranny : J6 defendant sentenced to 22 years: Once again, Democrats stick it to the black guy

Thursday, September 7, 2023

J6 defendant sentenced to 22 years: Once again, Democrats stick it to the black guy

What is it about Democrats and abnormally harsh sentences for black guys?

They're the ones behind the lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key sentencing "reforms" in the 1990s that Kamala Harris embraced as prosecutor in California during her heyday, keeping black prisoners imprisoned beyond their sentences in order to secure their labor to fight wildfires.

They recently released all of the defendants charged by the Fulton County prosecutor, Fani Willis on bail -- except for the hapless black guy, Harrison Floyd, whose accused crimes were insignificant and in any case, was no flight risk as they claimed. They shoved him into their rat- and bedbug infested jail for five days, while letting all the whites out on bail.

Now they've issued their toughest January 6 defendant sentence -- 22 years, to Enrique Tarrio, the purported leader of the Proud Boys, for "seditious conspiracy" with "terrorism" enhancements.

Sure enough, Tarrio was the black guy. His Wikipedia entry says he is of Afro-Cuban descent.

Yes, the Proud Boys shouldn't have been doing what they were doing, acting in a riotous manner at the Capitol on January 6. Nobody is saying that the group shouldn't have to pay something. But to pin the entire January 6 riot mess on this nobody who literally wasn't at the Capitol at all and his pals is pretty draconian, letting all the incompetence and bad faith from the FBI with its provocateurs, Nancy Pelosi refusing a National Guard detail offered by President Trump, the Capitol Police escorting protestors into the building and other blunders off scot-free.

A 22 year sentence is plainly cruel and unusal punishent, and well more than most murderers get. Had Tarrio gone out and say, looted a building, he wouldn't be facing any time at all.

Twenty-two years.

Nobody died. Nobody whipped out a gun. Nobody lost a limb. Nobody's bank account was emptied. Nobody lost a building.

To sentence Tarrio with this kind of punishment, when he wasn't even near the Capitol building when the crowd got out of control, is frankly outrageous no matter what his color.

That he was the black defendant here, and combined with the harsh treatment of Harrison Floyd in Georgia, has more than a whiff of something else going on. These weren't monstrous crimes being committed by either of these two, but by some strange coincidence, both got the harshest, most life-altering sentences. Someone wanted them out of circulation.

What it suggests is that black supporters of President Trump are a special threat to the Democrat establishment and its grip on power. So instead of normal punishment, even by the standards of what the other J6 and Fulton County defendants got, Democrats are singling out black defendants for...

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