90 Miles From Tyranny : Morning Mistress

Monday, September 11, 2023

Morning Mistress


Morning Mistress

More Artistic, Beautiful, 
Sexy And Alluring Ladies


  1. Replies
    1. Yeth, but I thinth that ther isth thumpthing wrong with my thung

  2. That bathing suit is calculated to make men look exactly where women say "of course that's the first place you look".

  3. The WTC Twins were built to withstand a direct impact from a 707. A fully loaded 707 weighs 35 tons MORE than a 767. If you remember your Physics from College, its Force=Mass x Acceleration, so a 707 would of had a much bigger impact than a 767.

    9/11 was an Inside Job.

  4. How do they tie the string in back?


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