90 Miles From Tyranny : AZ man shares photo of all the unrequested 2024 mail-in ballots he’s already received in the mail…

Friday, October 20, 2023

AZ man shares photo of all the unrequested 2024 mail-in ballots he’s already received in the mail…

A man named Tyler Bowyer recently shared a disturbing message and photo that could be a grim harbinger of things to come. Tyler posted a snapshot of unrequested ballots that arrived at his home for the upcoming election. What makes this even more troubling is that the ballots are for people who don’t even reside at his address.

Sadly, we’ve got to break it to Tyler: his GOP elected officials have done absolutely nothing to address this issue in his state.

Look how many ballots came to my house today, @maricopacounty!

Guess how many voters I have at my house?

These people haven’t lived in this house for many many years. Also, we did not receive their ballots in previous elections.

How is it right to send early ballots to people who haven’t requested them who haven’t lived in a location for so long?

The only people that could be okay with this don’t take elections seriously.
Tyler is spot-on. How can anyone take an election seriously when random, unsolicited ballots are floating around like balloons? Democrats claim that we have the freest and fairest elections in the world. Yet, in reality, they’ve weaponized ballots to gain a clear advantage. Unless this cheating is stopped, we’ll never see a truly legitimate election in...

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  1. gee..if "they" can afford to repeatedly send out all that early voting information and ballots, and pay for radio and T.V. adds promoting early(and often) voting....
    why can "they" not afford to compare the voter roles with the county tax roles. this would let "them" know which properties have 15 voters living at them, which empty lots have voters living on them, and who is living at a gas station.
    alternatly... why not require a regesteration verification form be mailed out and returned prior to any vote?? failure to return this form which verifies name, address, desire to vote, and statement of life, no mail in vote, no early vote allowed, and an in person vote would be a provisional vote, pending re-regesteration, in person of course

  2. TerrytheterribleFriday, October 20, 2023

    Same shit different election. Why would the uniparty want to upset the gravy train. Then the 'conservatives'(cough cough) get blamed.

  3. If we get stolen election in 2024 I afraid that we will go into CW2 as there is no laws.

  4. Fill those out for Trump and see how quick you get yourself arrested.

  5. It's all about ballots, not voters.....


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