90 Miles From Tyranny : Details of the Amish Farmer Story Prove the FDA and USDA Should Be Dissolved Completely

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Details of the Amish Farmer Story Prove the FDA and USDA Should Be Dissolved Completely

The story about the Amish farmer who had his cattle seized by the authoritarian Biden-Harris regime has been circulating through its various stages for weeks. Like many people, I heard the basic details and was infuriated by it all. But a deeper dive into it by James Corbett really opened my eyes.

This isn’t just a taste of food tyranny. This should be the lead story for evidence that the FDA, USDA, and all federal government agencies involved in food tyranny must be dissolved completely. They’re not here to protect us. They’re only here to protect the globalist agenda.

Here’s a report from Twitter user Inversionism:

The USDA and FDA should be considered terrorist organizations for what they do continually to small farmers and businesses.

Similar to the Rawesome raid, these farmers were doing what’s called a cow share, where people in the community all pay up front and invest in a cow for milk or meat. This has been done by numerous farms all across the country as a means to avoid using meat processors and big business to just to get clean, properly raised, healthy food, without all the extra fees and government bullshit attached. It’s the perfect business model that supports local farmers and cuts out the criminal corporations and captured government orgs.

As expected, the USDA and FDA can’t have any of that happening because they are too busy allowing heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and forever chemicals in your food, or rubber stamping toxic COVID vaccines for your 6 month old child, so they went to this farm and took all his meat in fridges and freezers, took it to the dump, and threw it all away with a court injunction because he refused to listen to their unconstitutional dictates.

This is the same food he fed his family with, but they didn’t care. Thousands and thousands of dollars of nutrient dense quality animal foods, all thrown away.

The FDA and USDA both need to be completely dissolved. They don’t protect public health. They destroy it.


There was a time not too long ago when many if not most of the people who worked for the USDA or FDA did so because they had good jobs that were designed to protect Americans. But like so many agencies, departments, and bureaus within our federal government, the mission has morphed into one dedicated to tyranny. Perhaps many of the government employees are unaware. A whole lot of them have been indoctrinated into the “greater good” mentality that allows otherwise lucid people to unhinge themselves from the realities of their situation. Then, there are those who know some of what they do is wrong but they’re just following orders.

Like the IRS and FBI, both the FDA and USDA should be revamped or scrapped altogether. The only reason I even offer revamping as a possibility is because there are far too many Americans who flinch when they hear people like me calling to disband entire government agencies. Therefore, a top-down overhaul is weak but may be the...

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  1. Every single one of the Fed's "regulatory" agencies should be shut down, not just FDA and USDA.

  2. I have dealt with numerous "Cow Share" farms as a food animal veterinarian for 38 years. Maybe things have changed in the laws in the last 3 years since I quit doing food animals. In most states it is illegal to sell milk or dairy products to the public that have not been processed in an approved manner tested for antibiotic residues, inspected and pasteurized to ensure that the product has less of a chance of causing a food borne disease. Likewise it is illegal to sell meat products to the public that are not processed in an approved manner in an inspected slaughterhouse. The argument that these cow share farms are making is that they say it is not against the law to process YOUR OWN dairy products, or meat for your own consumption. Consult a lawyer before you try this. So what these farms try to do to get around the law is to SELL Shares in a cow, and then charge the shareholder a SERVICE fee to feed water and care for the cow and milk the cow, bottle it and GIVE them the milk. For example if a farmer has 10 cows and 100 shareholders that each "Own" 1/10th of a cow but actually owns 1/100th of an "Undivided" share of the whole herd of 10 cows. The shareholder pays about $200-$400 per 1/10th share and they can buy multiple shares. (The shareholder does not own a specific 1/10th of a particular cow but 1/100th of all 10 in the herd) These are grass fed Jersey cows so he will do well if they average 12,000 LBS of milk over a typical 305 day lactation period. All 10 together would make about #120,000 lbs of milk over the year. There are 8.6 lbs of milk in a gallon so that's 120,000 divided by 8.6 = 13,954 gallons in 1 year. 1/10 share of one cow out of the total milk produced is 139.5 gallons per year or about 2.68 gallons/week from your 1/10th share. The premise is that you are paying the farmer a service fee NOT for product! The reason they do this is to make more money than selling milk directly to a processing plant. Typically a cow share setup would charge a service of at least $15 to $20/per week per 1/10th share which would net the farmer up to $104,000 per year for services for the example 10 cow herd. If he sold the same 120,000 lbs of milk to a processor he might gross about $20/hundredweight or $24,000. $104,000 vs $24,000 is $80,000 more gross receipts. But Don't think that $80,000 difference is going to be there with no additional expenses. You have to bottle the product and keep the product cold. You have to worry about people paying you for the service. Distribution to your shareholders may not go well if you have a self serve distribution, some people will take more than their share. Moving product 2 gallons at a time is a lot more costly than selling in bulk. Furthermore I do not know how these businesses can buy liability insurance, because even if it is legally done correctly to skirt the law if there was an illness traced back to your farm you can count on getting sued. For this farmer to incur the wrath of the USDA he must not have had a good lawyer do his contracts so it was clear that he was NOT SELLING Milk or meat OR the laws may have changed to eliminate the "cow share" loophole. None of the farms that I dealt with that were cow share farms ever got rich doing this. I don't recommend it as a business model and I don't drink raw milk today but I did as a child from a backyard cow.

  3. It is not about the amount of money.......

  4. Every .gov agency that doesn't have a direct link to The Constitution should be dismantled, i.e. ALL of the health agencies, Dept of Ed., Eff Bee Eye, See Eye Aaa etc etc ad infinitum. In addition, anyone in a regulatory agency that profited from their involvement in overseeing that industry or business, that means you Fraudci and your WIFE, at al, should forfeit all of their ill gotten gains.

    Yeah, I know, the country couldn't run without the fraud and grift.

    I could go on....


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