90 Miles From Tyranny : Report: Hamas is now chambered in 5.56 thanks to all the blasters Joe left in Afghanistan. Aren't you glad your taxes helped supply terrorism worldwide?

Friday, October 13, 2023

Report: Hamas is now chambered in 5.56 thanks to all the blasters Joe left in Afghanistan. Aren't you glad your taxes helped supply terrorism worldwide?

US Weapons from Afghanistan Ended Up in Palestinian Hands in the Gaza Strip.

A claim in a news report that American weapons seized in Afghanistan have ended up in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip has taken on renewed significance after Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, launched an attack on Israel on Saturday.

Yeah, remember all these?

Some of those weapons are now in the hands of Palestinians in Gaza — the same Palestinians who savagely attacked Israel over the weekend. And I hate to say it, but, similar to the rest of you, I am not surprised in the slightest at this. The Taliban is an Islamic terrorist group and Hamas is an Islamic terrorist group (both are Sunni too); like, bro, they're going to mingle in such a way.

From a Newsweek report back in summer with input from a "high-ranking Israel Defense Forces commander":

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  1. How in the hell did we leave all those aircraft? Sure, there's always some hangar queens but I'm assuming/hoping they were disabled before running away? Never know with FJB and f-wad Milley in control.

  2. The US Government has always been the greatest terrorist organization on the planet. Why should we expect anything new?

  3. Almost as if this was planned in advance, ya' think?

  4. They should have shipped those firearms home and sold them through the Civilian Marksmanship Program so that Americans could benefit from Federal government largess. After, of course, revoking the unconstitutional National Firearms Act of 1934 and Gun Control Act of 1968, as well as dissolving the BATF.

    But, no. Better that militant Muslims and terrorists get them for free. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. /s

  5. The pedo joe regime also trained hamas in Jordan.

  6. I'm fairly certain the US did not leave any MI-17's

  7. The biggest terrorist op we fund is Israel, which has been busting up the ME since 1947, terrorizing people off their lands that they had been living on for centuries, while damn near all Israelis are European Jews, hardly any had ancestors in the ME, just E Europe & Russia.

    1. F-U comes to mind. I know it's not an informative rebutal to your diatribe but I'm tired of trying to get you sub humans to see reason so.... F- u again!


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