90 Miles From Tyranny : So, How Do You Think World War III Is Going?

Sunday, October 1, 2023

So, How Do You Think World War III Is Going?

So, how do you think World War III is going? I’d suggest that it’s going swimmingly, according to plan and right on schedule. Deep and broad analysis over several years renders the same position. Informed and well-read folks likely agree. Those indulging in the established narrative and relying on the mainstream media for information; only sipping the Moonshine to see what so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ tastes like, probably sashay all over town in their N95 mask, fly a Ukrainian flag at home and think “Russia man bad” but nowhere near as bad as “Orange man bad.” They do this in failing to comprehend an accurate fact set that always seems to thread back to China and its asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war against the United States.

China’s asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared war against the U.S. aligns with China’s primary hegemonic doctrine – Belt Road Initiative/One Belt, One Road – and its military doctrinal and primary warfare vector – biowarfare.

I penned that position 06 May 20 only a month and a half into the so-called “pandemic” while the rest of the country was panicking over a contagion with a better than 99% survival rate [for most demographics] and trying to sort-out whether Ivermectin is really “horse paste” or if two masks are better than one.

I rolled with no mask and never quit “normally” and I sure as hell didn’t sign-up for human genetic experimentation to voluntarily receive an injectable bioweapon with redacted contents delivered as an experimental mRNA payload encapsulated in a nanoparticle envelope.

No, thank you.

COVID-19 was really only a “pandemic” of fraudulent infection and mortality data.

A primary objective of the so-called “pandemic” was serving as the boogeyman to scare people into enslavement while injecting themselves with a bioweapon they didn’t need to combat a bioengineered virus that isn’t deadly.

Now those vaccines and all of these boosters are obsolete as another election brings us another “pandemic” and another round of vaccines that really aren’t vaccines at all for another variant of a disease that isn’t deadly.

This is insanity; it’s absurd it’s ridiculous.

It’s also a collective intelligence test for the populace and we’re failing miserably.

We pause to kick my two favorite horses kicked since the first news broke on this so-called “pandemic”: 1-COVID-19 IS NEVER GOING AWAY and 2-THESE PEOPLE WILL NEVER STOP UNTIL THEY ARE MADE TO STOP.

Bullseye then. Bullseye now. Bullseye forever if we don’t get up off our asses and act like real Americans and yes, it will require “toxic masculinity” in absolute abundance.

The “pandemic” was a warfare mechanism to steal an election, remove a sitting U.S. president and install a Chinese proxy into the Executive.

China’s asymmetrical and irregular warfare vectors are executed stateside by domestic hostiles and they include things like subversion/infiltration, compromising domestics and turning them hostile, Cloward-Piven strategy, biowarfare, weaponized propaganda, two-tiered justice, sown [racial] division, a manufactured food crisis and more.

Other warfare vectors include economic, education, political, immigration, energy, financial, cultural, psychological, environmental, etc.

China’s brand of warfare is waged from a foundation of decades-long Chinese infiltration of the U.S. and its agencies, departments and institutions.

What we see today is a landscape that shifted under the surface after decades in the making and it was unbeknownst to most ordinary Americans distracted and preoccupied by the designed matrix in which they live.

The Chinese have leveled war against the U.S. by all the viable means imaginable except for one and its on the near horizon:

Read More HERE


  1. Pres. Bidets proxy war is just another attack on our military. He's given away billions of dollars worth of our equipment and decimated the moral of our troops by mandating DEI and corrupted the Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon.

  2. Trump wants to move manufacturing and any National Security companies back to the USA. These National Security companies include Big Pharma and Energy. Trump will end the southern invasion quickly due to Mexico knowing he will have the military start attacking and blocking Mexico and their cartels.


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