90 Miles From Tyranny : Fact Check: Yes, NBC’s Kristen Welker Promoted Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Fact Check: Yes, NBC’s Kristen Welker Promoted Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

CLAIM: Republican presidential primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on Wednesday night accused NBC News debate moderator Kristen Welker of previously promoting the conspiracy that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

VERDICT: True. Welker, while she was the White House correspondent for NBC News, routinely promoted reports from her network and other media outlets like the New York Times that falsely suggested Trump colluded with Russia.

“Kristen, I’m going to use this time because this is actually about you and the media and the corrupt media establishment,” Ramaswamy said. “[I will] ask you: the Trump-Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years, was that real, or was that Hillary Clinton made-up disinformation? Answer the question, go.”

Welker, in response, ignored the question from Ramaswamy, and the debate moderators quickly moved on to another candidate.

Indeed, as Ramaswamy stated, Welker reported heavily throughout the years regarding the Trump-Russia conspiracy. In one segment from 2019, Welker asked Trump directly if he worked for Russia.

“I never worked for Russia,” Trump told Welker at the time, also telling her that it was a “disgrace” that she asked the question to begin with, considering the extremely limited evidence that...

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  1. We all know that these female "news reporters" are picked for their looks and fuckability, not their intelligence. She meets both criteria. Given the LGBTQ+ proclivities and leanings of the media behemoths and east coast elites, the same goes for the male "news reporters."

    Probably intelligence is a negative, because the owners and management of the media want to be able to manipulate these news people as much as they want to manipulate the news. And us.

  2. He said the same thing the base as been saying for years. GOP problem is they have Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel who is actively working to keep the GOP as the minority party.

  3. The first two comments are correct and so was Vivek. It is clear that all MSM is corrupt and has been for sometime. Certainly in the 2020 election the MSM and Fox was corrupt during the election night as they could see the counting stop with Trump heavy in the lead and then start later with Biden suddenly in the lead, but media never said anything.


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