90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1456

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1456

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1454


  1. "The *teat*of the story " with Lara Logan ?? Surefire way to get me to watch...

  2. In re: the 1st meme -- one of my great-grandparent sets both cuaght the flu in 1918. Ggrandpa died directly from the flu. Ggrandma survived the flu, but it shattered her health and she ended up in a sanitorium for the next 7 years until she also died. He death certificate states she died from pneumonia. Her obituary says she died of complications stemming from the 1918 flu.

    So there's an anecdote in support of the meme.....

  3. If by 2030, we will own nothing & be happy, according to the WEF, what will the super rich do with their private jets, yachts, mansions, penthouses, Italian sports cars, antiques, paintings, wine cellars, etc? Hint: They'll get to keep those luxury items, as long as they give 10% to some Big Guy.


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