90 Miles From Tyranny : Here’s what they’re teaching in the Naval Academy’s gender and sexuality class

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Here’s what they’re teaching in the Naval Academy’s gender and sexuality class

An English course at the U.S. Naval Academy teaches officer candidates left-wing theories of gender and sexuality, along with elements of Critical Race Theory, according to syllabi obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The course description for HE 374, Topics In Gender & Sexuality in Literature, begins by tracing the history of gender and sexuality studies from its origin in the women’s studies discipline rooted in the Second Wave Feminism of the 1970s and 1980s, according to a syllabus the DCNF obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request. However, the English major course broadens to include studies for future U.S. Navy officers on LGBTQ studies, race, class, and concepts informed by Critical Race Theory, which defines people groups in terms of oppressor and oppressed, the syllabus shows.

“Most of the faculty, students, and topics of study in early Women’s Studies programs were limited by being White, middle-class, women,” the female instructor, whose name is redacted but who appears to have served as Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences during that semester, wrote in the course description.

“In the 2000s, some Women’s Studies Departments renamed themselves Gender and Sexuality Studies in order to better reflect Women’s Studies’ growing interest in exploring Queer Theory, Masculinity Studies, Intersectionality, race, and class. Women’s Studies Programs are feminist at their hearts; Gender and Sexuality Studies Programs are not, and in fact, might even reject feminism for its original focus on White middle-class women.”

Students begin the class by performing a land acknowledgment the syllabus shows. Students also set the learning outcomes for the course.

The second class period involves the study of “theories of gender” and learning about the Genderbread person, a visual made to show the difference between “gender identity,” “gender expression,” “anatomical sex,” “gender” and “sexual orientation.” In the third class period, students create a diversity statement and learn gender and sexuality vocabulary.

Another in-class activity scheduled for week 3 is reading pan-African and socialist civil rights activist W.E.B. DeBois’ “Double Consciousness.”

The primary texts of the course were “The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender” by Nancy Chodorow and “Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory” by Toril Moi. Both books are critical of conservative ideas about...

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  1. And you wonder why our ships crash into each other with regularity.

  2. How long before some sailor or soldier who identifies as a female demands to be given a female uniform and allowed to wear it. Won't that look beautiful.

  3. Hoagie John - seems to me it was at least two years ago. That trans admiral "Rachel" Levine.

  4. what does this class have anything to do with running a ship?

    1. This class teaches the values of the empire, so the sailors know what they are fighting for, in the same way that Greco-Roman and American history were used in the past

  5. I couldn't take it anymore. I retired August 2022.

    1. From a grateful nation, we regret your sacrifice.


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