90 Miles From Tyranny : The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1601

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1601


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The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1


  1. I do find the entire notion a bit batty, however... you've gotta look at this from all sides.
    If Delta discriminates, they get SUED into oblivion by the fatties, so, ok, simple enough policy, just give 'em the seats for free, fuck it! You can imagine how the board meeting must have gone, am I right?

    IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, you do have an option to do something about it - don't buy their shit.

    Fly American, take a train, a bus, rent a car, whatever! ANYTHING, do SOMETHING. No, you're going to sit there and bitch because a corporation did something you don't like, but here, take my money anyways? That's a special kind of stupid right there.

    I don't care for Target Corporations decision to embrace alternative lifestyles. Did I fire bomb the store? Get on the news and bitch? Nope, stopped buying stuff there. Miller lite tastes better than Bud Light anyways. You still subscribe to Disney+?

    Are you getting the picture yet?

  2. Since Southwest has NO assigned seats this is only an issue on completely booked flights. And if someone is given two tickets for being large Southwest should just sell one less ticket. Point is, this is manageable by Southwest. I have my doubts about the family that claims they were stranded because of a single fat body.

  3. Why would you doubt that a family got stranded because of an extra seat being given to an oversized flyer? If the flight is completely booked, and that extra seat means now OVERBOOKED, unless SouthWest is willing to go around and find another flyer willing to jump in an volunteer their seat, it was whoever was going to be sitting in that seat.

    Mom with two teenage kids-which kid to you suggest she leaves behind in the airport terminal? There's no way to get the two kids supervised by Mom without THREE SEATS. Both kids use the seats now BOTH are stuck unaccompanied at the destination. Mom takes one, gives other to one child, now ONE child is left behind. What is the difficulty understanding how this can boot an ENTIRE family off the flight?

  4. You list a few very specific examples, and I could present many counter examples where this family may not have been victimized.
    Were they late to the plane and their seats given away?
    Were they late to book the flight and had maybe the last seats on the plane? If so, that's kind of the risk involved with late planning (especially with Southwest) that anyone could suffer. I've had to sit separately from my teenage kids on two hour flights before this policy. We all landed at the same airport at the same time. No big deal unless you make it a big deal.
    The point is, if Southwest issues one fat person two tickets, that's on them and that only rarely will inconvenience anyone else on the plane, and I don't understand why there has been such outrage over this.


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