90 Miles From Tyranny : Morning Mistress

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Morning Mistress


Morning Mistress

More Artistic, Beautiful, 
Sexy And Alluring Ladies


  1. Mike,

    check the distance of her wrist to the ends of her fingers on her left hand. Looks strange, maybe AI...?

  2. Mike,
    Check the distance from her wrist to her finger tips on her left hand. Looks strange. AI...?

  3. Who the phuck looks at her hands? Get a phucking life. AI is making you look foolish.

  4. He’s not being foolish just observant. Her left hand is almost twice the length of her right hand. And some people admire the look of a woman by looking at all of her. The AI thing is leading us down the path first shown in the silly movie Weird Science, and is begging the question “what is a woman?” or at least “what is beauty?” Such questions become invalid when you include artificial creations for consideration. Granted that implants and other cosmetic surgery grey the line as well, and digital editing to “improve” things makes the discussion nearly moot. So does extensive use of makeup, hair coloring and extensions etc. tattoos too maybe.

    Throw them in the shower, scrub them clean, give them a towel and a hairbrush. Then get out the cameras. Gosh, you’d be amazed.

  5. One of the tell tail signs of an AI generated person is malformed hands, so the above comment is most likely true. AI has trouble with hands for some reason. I have seen AI people with 6 finges.

  6. M9777 your lack of knowledge of AI is making you look foolish.


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