90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #2393

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Visage à trois #2393

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Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


  1. His gubmint says people should only be allowed 10 grams of protein? Per day? In the diet world, a good approximation is 1 ounce of meat or hard cheese is 7 grams.

    There wouldn't just be mass starvation, there would be massive amounts of degenerative diseases. Big pharma and big medicine would literally make a killing.

    1. I reject their proposal, and defy them to enforce it. My plan is to raise fish, rabbits and chickens starting next year with dairy goats for milk and cheese. This will be done without asking gubermint permission, nor seeking gubermint subsidization, and as such will be not needing any input from them. Until they are paying my food bills I don't care what they think, and do not recognize their authority to enforce it. For the record I am not in Europe,but the US, and have this freedom, and power without having to ask.


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