90 Miles From Tyranny : A Picture of Me and my Daughter in 5 Years

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Picture of Me and my Daughter in 5 Years

I KNOW what boys want after the prom.


  1. When you have a boy you worry about one penis, when you have a girl you worry about them all.

  2. Lets just hope your wife doesn't divorce you, become a lesbian and slander and trash you to your daughter, to the point that any show of concern or protective behavior you show to her she accuses you of being a controlling cave man. Not that that happened to me or anything.

    1. Well, she did divorce me but we are on good terms and my daughter has the best of both worlds...

  3. Poppy is a 6 foot, 200 pound former Army sargeant with a gravel voice and Clint Eastwood squint. I didn't have a date until college.

    1. Sounds like a good man, I take it mother was not a man hating lesbian?

    2. Nope, mom taught me how to be a real woman. Lady in public, animal in private. Stand on my own two feet, but support my man. They've been married 50 years and counting...

  4. Which is why I thank God I never had daughters. I'd still be in prison right this minute.


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