90 Miles From Tyranny : 2012-11-11

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Wonder Bread Story

Growing up I was an Army brat.  When my father was stationed in Germany, going to the commissary and buying the stale AAFES bread was routine everyday commissary shopping.  Then one day magic appeared on the shelves, they were filled with Wonder Bread, it was soft to the touch, fresh, that wonderful fresh bread smell filled the isles.  People were coming by and snapping up armfuls of these fresh loaves, we grabbed our own loaf.  Eating this fresh bread was a small taste of heaven.  For the next few weeks, the bread continued to sell out until people were assured of a constant supply, then people began to purchase the new bread normally.
Like most experiences there is a lesson to learn here about how people react when a shortage or perceived shortage of a commodity exists.  They hoard.  Living in Florida, whenever a pesky Hurricane is on its way, people begin to hoard.  For all you preppers, or perhaps non-preppers, this can be a lesson about the availability of essentials if a disaster or emergency were to occur.  Now go buy all the Twinkies you can find.

Rampant voter fraud in Allen West Congressional district.

When more people vote than are registered to vote, there can only be one explanation.  VOTER FRAUD.  Look at the chart below for Allen West's Congressional district, how is it possible that we do not have a complete recount and a full accounting for the clearly impossible numbers below?  Perhaps the entire 2012 election needs to be examined, we were all so surprised by the results, perhaps the United States had a completely fraudulent election.  Can we depend on the corrupt U.S. media to investigate this?  Nope.

Allen West recount update: St. Lucie County canvassing board will recount early votes as Gertrude Walker mysteriously disappears.

Gertrude Walker spontaneously performed an
 unprecedented partial recount that changed the
results and created this mess.
St. Lucie County Elections Supervisor Gertrude Walker has mysteriously disappeared leaving only her high powered attorneys to maneuver against transparency in the Allen West congressional race.
Despite the the appearance of impropriety, Treasure Coast Circuit Judge Dan Vaughn declined to intervene in the case and denied a request from the West campaign that he order a recount of all the early votes. In his ruling.

A divided St. Lucie County canvassing board decided Friday night to recount all 37,379 ballots from early voting as requested by Allen West.  These are the votes that curiously swung to Patrick Murphy after Gertrude Walker made a decision to partially recount them in a late night move.

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, has weighed in on this situation and made a statement supporting the suppression of voting transparency and has come out strongly against a fair recount of Floridians votes.

The head of the Florida Division of Elections Bureau of Voting Systems Certifications, David Drury, recommended recounting all eight days, with Getrude Walkers Attorneys fighting to suppress the vote while Gertrude Walker has mysteriously disappeared from the proceedings perhaps to avoid explaining her mysterious, spontaneous partial recount that changed the election results.

Counties are required to submit final results to the state by noon Sunday. The state Elections Canvassing Commission will certify final results Tuesday.  If the recount gets West within 0.5 percent or closer, then Florida Law will allow for a full recount.  For the sake of transparency, we need a full recount.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Anime Girls with Guns

Is she a bad girl or is she just drawn that way?

Thin Lizzy Reminiscing

I first produced my pistol then produced my rapier...
There's Whiskey in the Jar O!
The Boys are back in town.
Wow, watch the people dancing in the 70's clothing in this video.  Yeesh!

Bettie Page Pictures

(From Bettie Page Official Website)
With locks as dark as midnight and a smile as bright as day, Bettie Page was much more than a beautiful pinup model, she was simply the best. A legend as much today as during her modeling days, every facet of Bettie's life and personality captures the interest and devotion of the thousands of fans that followed her career until the day of her mysterious disappearance. Bettie's numerous contradictions undoubtedly added to her charismatic personality. Nice and naughty, shy and daring, simple and exotic, Bettie shone with a freshness never before seen in the modeling industry. Without elaborate props, costumes, or set-dressings, Bettie produced some of the most beautiful shots to ever grace the covers of hundreds of magazines. Bettie's smoothly tanned skin, deep blue eyes and coal-black hair with her trademark bangs, were enough inspiration to spark the imagination of even the least experienced photographers. Her "girl next door" look and innocent smile only complemented that explosive combination of features.

Born on April 22, 1923, in Nashville, Tennessee, Bettie was the second child of Walter Roy Page and Edna Mae Pirtle's six children. During Bettie's early years, the Page family traveled around the country in search of economic stability. At a tender age, Bettie had to face the responsibilities of caring for her younger siblings as well as helping her mother with the house chores.

Soon, problems between Bettie's parents led to a divorce, which only worsened the family's financial situation. In order to support her family, Edna worked as a hairdresser during the day and washed laundry at night. When Bettie was only 10 years old, her mother placed her and her two sisters in an orphanage while she worked and saved money.

As a teenager, Bettie and her sisters spent countless hours trying different makeup styles and hairdos imitating their favorite movie stars. At the local community centers, Bettie learned to cook and sew, the latter, a skill that proved particularly useful years later when Bettie made her own bikinis and costumes. In these centers, a young Bettie sought refuge from her home and found enough peace and tranquility to do homework and study. It was her hard work and determination that kept Bettie at the top of her class during her high school years. As a student, she was a member and program director of the Dramatics Club, secretary treasurer of the Student Council, coeditor of the school’s newspaper and yearbook; she was even voted "Most Likely to Succeed."

As the Salutatorian of her class, Bettie won a $100 scholarship to Peabody College where she studied education while dreaming of becoming an actress. In February 1943, Bettie married her boyfriend of two years, Billy Neal. After earning her Bachelor of Arts degree from Peabody College, Bettie moved to San Francisco to be with Billy. It was in San Francisco that Bettie got her first modeling job at a local furrier where Bettie modeled fur coats for clients.

For the next few years, the free-spirited Bettie traveled from San Francisco to Nashville to Miami, even to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where she fell in love with the country and its culture. Back in the United States, in November 1947, Bettie filed for divorce from Billy and moved to New York. In 1950, during a walk along the Coney Island shore, Bettie met Jerry Tibbs, a police officer with an interest in photography. Tibbs took pictures of Bettie and put together her first pinup portfolio. Little did Bettie know how much her life was about to change.

Tibbs introduced Bettie to numerous other photographers including Cass Carr who organized outdoor photographic sessions, which Bettie intensely enjoyed. In a matter of months, Bettie’s modeling career had taken off. Camera clubs led to posing for various magazines such as Wink, Eyeful, Titter, and Beauty Parade. But it wasn’t until her photographs were published in Robert Harrison’s magazines that Bettie became a pinup star beyond comparison. In 1955, Bettie won the title "Miss Pinup Girl of the World." In January 1955, she was the centerfold in Playboy’s January issue. She was even named the "Girl with the Perfect Figure," with her photographs appearing in everything from record albums to playing cards.

In 1953, Bettie auditioned for an apprenticeship at Sea Cliff Summer Theater in Long Island where she studied acting under the tutelage of Herbert Berghoff. With Berghoff’s encouragement, Bettie secured several roles in various New York productions as well as various television appearances. Her off-Broadway productions included Time is a Thief and Sunday Costs Five Pesos. Bettie even appeared in the Jackie Gleason show.

While living and working in New York, Bettie often returned to Florida. During these trips south, she frequently posed for photographers Jan Caldwell, H.W. Hannau, and Bunny Yeager who often featured Bettie outdoors, in boats, and at the beach.

In 1957, Bettie left New York for good and moved to Florida, her modeling career would end at the top of its popularity. Without imagining the consequences on any conscious level, Bettie found that her provocative cheesecake photographs during the period of 1950 through 1957 violated all manner of sexual taboos and finally invoked a United States Senate Committee investigation.

On November 26, 1958, Bettie married her second husband, Armond Walterson. During the following months, Bettie tried numerous jobs, and she traveled to numerous states including California, Tennessee, Illinois, and Oregon. In 1963, Bettie divorced Armond. She would later marry Harry Lear, a marriage that also ended in divorce.

Through the years, to protect the privacy she craved, when people would recognize her and ask if she was Bettie Page, she'd answer, "Who's that?" Who, indeed. Complex, contradictory, extremely intelligent, exquisitely pretty, naughty or nice, not even Bettie Page herself can tell us who she is, exactly how she got that way, and what it all means. She's one pin-up no one can pin down, although the mystery fails to deter millions of us -- and millions to come -- from trying.

Through the 1980s and the 1990s, Bettie Page re-surged as a modeling icon. The media, intrigued by her mysterious disappearance launched a countrywide search for Bettie. Comic books soon featured characters that resembled Bettie, contemporary artists such as Olivia, Dave Stevens, and Robert Blue immortalized their idol with their powerful images.

Despite having worked with only a few competent photographers, despite having thousands of her photographs destroyed on purpose following the congressional hearings, and despite so many extant photos surviving only as inferior copies of the originals, the transcendent beauty and playful yet dangerous personality of Bettie Page trumps all else and continues to inspire documentary films, designers' fashions, artists' fetishes, and fans' fantasies. The dark-haired girl from Nashville has become a living legend, a modern icon, a symbol of beauty and femininity that transcends ordinary standards. In the heart of her adoring fans, Bettie will forever remain the queen of pinups.


Naked Women with Weapons

You can shoot better if you lay on you left side.  Trust me.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Historical and Social Influence of the Potato

The potato is clearly the center of the universe. Has any vegetable ever brought so much joy to mankind? Imagine a world without mashed potatoes, french fries, potato dumplings, cream potatos, potato salad, baked potato, curly fries, mmmm. I say boil em mash em stick them in a stew! (see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vXzR49AtxA&feature=fvwrel)

Although the humble potato is not the cutest and the most colorful of the vegetables, it is still the third largest crop in the entire world.

The potato is not the vilain that some diet gurus pretend it is. Eaten plain, it can be part of a healthy and slimming diet.

Let's see all the benefits of the potato and all the versatile ways that we can use this nutritious plant.


Absolute Vodka's war on the U.S.

I just discovered this Absolute Vodka ad (on the right).  It depicts the radical hispanic and "Chicano Studies" dream of Aztlan or Reconquista (see map below)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista_(Mexico).  The redrawing of U.S. borders is supported by the racist hispanic group La Raza (The Race), and Its proxy spin offs.  The U.S. funds these radical anti-American groups under the auspices of minority programs. This is the same Aztlan that our radical Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis supports (see my article here:

This is also part of the curriculum of "Chicano Studies" that Eva Longoria majored in.
This is what Absolut Vodka said about defiling the sovereignty of the United States:

In an ABSOLUT World according to Mexico
Posted Friday, April 04, 2008, 5:26:34 PM

The In An Absolut World advertising campaign invites consumers to visualize a world that appeals to them -- one they feel may be more idealized or one that may be a bit "fantastic." As such, the campaign will elicit varying opinions and points of view. We have a variety of executions running in countries worldwide, and each is germane to that country and that population.

 This particular ad, which ran in Mexico, was based upon historical perspectives and was created with a Mexican sensibility. In no way was this meant to offend or disparage, nor does it advocate an altering of borders, nor does it lend support to any anti-American sentiment, nor does it reflect immigration issues. Instead, it hearkens to a time which the population of Mexico may feel was more ideal.

As a global company, we recognize that people in different parts of the world may lend different perspectives or interpret our ads in a different way than was intended in that market. Obviously, this ad was run in Mexico, and not the US -- that ad might have been very different.

Susan Rice as Secretary of State spells disaster for Israel

Susan Rice, a mouthpiece and puppet of the Obama administration is perhaps the worst possible choice for Secretary of State. Her indefensible and miserable record at the U.N. is an indicator of what is to come.  When she is not skipping Prime Minister Netanyahu's speeches at the U.N. she skips out when crucial votes and moral support for Israel is needed.

Susan Rice as Secretary of State spells disaster for Israel.  Ms. Rice who speaks out of both sides of her mouth about Israel, lies about almost everything she says about Israel, but her actions speak the blaring truth.  Ms. Rice is a serial liar whose lying words are designed to give the corrupt U.S. media material to support the corrupt Obama administration. 
Susan Rice has a record of being trotted out to lie for the Obama administration, in the 2008 elections, she lied for Barack Obama when she denied that had pledged to meet with the leaders of hostile nations, including Iran, without preconditions and then again in 2012 when she lied to help cover up the Benghazi debacle.  The U.S. media accepts these lies and exhibits zero intellectual curiosity once any explanation from the liar in chief is made.

The ideology of Susan Rice and Barack Obama runs counter to the interests of the western world, traditional U.S. allies and modern civilization.  Under a second term for Barack Obama and Susan Rice as Secretary of State, the interests and possibly the survival of the state of Israel will be forfeit.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Progressive Jokes!

Q. How do you drown a progressive?
A1. Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool.
A2. Stick a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.

Q. What do you get when you give a progressive a penny for her thoughts?
A. Change.

Q. Why did the progressive get so excited when he finished the jigsaw puzzle after only 6 months?
A. Because on the box it said: From 2-4 years.

Q. How do you amuse a progressive for hours?
A. Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper.

Q. What did the progressive name her pet zebra?
A. Spot.

Q. How do you drive a progressive crazy?
A. Give him a bag of M & M s and tell him to alphabetize them.

A. A progressive going through a flashing red light.

Q. Did you hear about the progressive who shot an arrow into the air?
A. She missed.

Q. What did the progressive say when he knocked over a priceless Ming vase?
A. "It's okay Daddy, I'm not hurt."

Two progressives observed in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of a Mercedes with a coat hanger:
progressive #1: I can't seem to get this door unlocked!

progressive #2: Well you better hurry up and try harder, because it's starting to rain and the top is down!

Q. How do you confuse a progressive?
A. Put her in a circular room and tell her to sit in the corner.

    Did you hear about the progressive who locked her keys in the car? It took her an hour to get her family out of the car.

Q. How do progressive brain cells die?
A. Alone

Q. What do you call a progressive with two brain cells?
A. Pregnant

   Three progressives were walking through a forest when they came upon a set of tracks.
   The first progressive looked down at the tracks and said, "I think these are bird tracks."
   The second progressive looked at them and said, "No, these are deer tracks."
   The third progressive looked down, and BOOM!!! she gets run over by a train.

     A progressive went into a pizza parlor. When he said that he'd like a medium pizza, the clerk asked him how many pieces he'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve.
     "Oh, goodness, six please," said the progressive. "I don't think I could ever eat twelve!"

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hillary Rodham Clinton is going down.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is going down. Down under that is. She will be meeting with "friends" to taste some of that sweet wine. It seems that the former first lady's foray into the underside of the globe will cost the American taxpayer quite the pretty penny. Here are some details:

Globetrotting Hillary and Golden Globe
award winner Christina Aguilera
THE 150-strong entourage is likely to visit Penfolds' Magill Estate for either a wine tasting session or private function.                             

THE entourage has booked more than 100 rooms over several floors at the Intercontinental Hotel .

When will Hillary Clinton testify in the Benghazi affair? Perhaps when this season of her favorite TV show "Love It Or List It," comes to an end. Seems the Madam Secretary thinks that the Obama's are just doing an 8 year overhaul of her home until she moves back in. I say list it Hillary, Marco Rubio and his wife and family are gonna move in that White House.... 

Zombies can't swim

If you are not a liberal, buying a boat can help you escape the zombie apocalypse.  Liberals are immune to zombies because zombies eat brains.  This is also why non-leftists need to buy plenty of weapons to defend our tasty brains. 
Remember Liberals, on occasion a genetic singularity occurs and you spawn a non-Liberal. This means your children could have brains and need to be defended. We will defend your children from the zombies. Just buy us a little ammo with your EBT cards ok? Oh, that's spelled E B T.

Something is fishy in the Allen West Congressional race in Florida

Trying to insure that Democrat Patrick Murphy gets elected, St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker has performed an unprecedented partial recount instead of a full recount.  This occurred after some odd changes in the ballot count went from representative West having the lead to Patrick Murphy having the lead when Gertrude Walker took it upon herself to recount some of the early ballots. 

I personally witnessed some odd goings on in my Florida District, when perfectly packaged absentee ballots arrived and had to be included in my district count.  I wonder if someone can just manufacture fake ballots and deliver them to the election districts with cooperative district officers.

The Florida Division of Elections has become concerned over the anomalies in the count and is now sending three employees to St. Lucie County on Wednesday to try to figure out how 799 votes disappeared in Sunday’s partial recount of the close congressional race.
In order to keep the election as transparent as possible, a full recount must be enforced.  We need to support Allen West in this effort, he is an outspoken Tea party member that is a refreshing voice in American politics.

Here is the Article form the Palm Beach Post:
