90 Miles From Tyranny : Federal Harassment Of Sheriff Arpaio Continues – Office Raided Again, Threatened With Criminal Contempt

Monday, August 3, 2015

Federal Harassment Of Sheriff Arpaio Continues – Office Raided Again, Threatened With Criminal Contempt

Sheriff Joe Arpaio might want to assign one of his investigators to locate a mini-storage for his personal and other critical documents. Perhaps a personal server in his basement might be the ticket for keeping intrusive Obama political operatives out of his business.
Pro-invader U.S. District Judge Murray Snow seems to have made it his personal mission to make an example of Sheriff Arpaio, who dared to defy the corrupt federal government by respecting the Constitution and enforcing Arizona law. Contrary to popular thought, judicial activism does have its place and it is right alongside the abuse of power, inside the Obama regime.
On July 24th Judge Snow ordered Federal Marshals to seize 1,400 IDs and fifty hard drives from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Based upon what they discovered on that fishing trip, Judge Snow sent them back a second time on Friday, this time to take possession of an original hard drive and to make a themselves a copy.

This comes at a time when the federal government is engaged in a program of intrusion into local policing, federalizing forces in order to create, as Hussein Obama said, “A civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as our military. This behavior may be intended to send a message to Sheriff’s around the nation that unless they want to find themselves in a similar situation, they should shut up, roll over and do as they’re told.
The harassment of Sheriff Arpaio is nothing new, and it appears that it will become...

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