90 Miles From Tyranny : Student Punished For Saying “Hurtful Things” About ISIS, Baltimore Thugs

Monday, August 3, 2015

Student Punished For Saying “Hurtful Things” About ISIS, Baltimore Thugs

Free speech in America is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Institutions of learning, at all levels, are largely staffed by intolerant leftists who preach equality for all while suppressing the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights of those they disagree with.

A stark example of the predominant idiocy and double standard that the youth of America are being indoctrinated into and, at a minimum, forced to adapt to is exposed in a recent decision by Texas Christian University.

Political correctness is the curriculum being taught regardless of one’s major at that institution, as Harry Vincent, a 19-year-old sophomore found out.

Apparently, from the school’s standpoint, it is not acceptable to condemn bad behavior or to offer an opinion as to the nature of the perpetrator if that person is a non-white. Even using non-racial terms which define someone by their residence and low-class, often lawless behavior is enough to get a student into hot water. At TCU, you can’t call a hoodrat a hoodrat.

His legitimate comments were not painted “hoodrat style” on a statue of a war hero or on a police car; they were made on his own, personal Facebook and Tumblr accounts. At Texas Christian, voicing your opinion, freely, as protected under the Constitution, on your own personal forum is prohibited. Only sanitized speech is allowed by their students. Freedom and rights become privileges that are signed away when one signs on at TCU.

In making comments about the Baltimore rioters and ISIS, Vincent said in part, “These hoodrat criminals in Baltimore need to be...

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