90 Miles From Tyranny : Joe Biden Campaign Staff are Raising Bail Money for Rioters

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Joe Biden Campaign Staff are Raising Bail Money for Rioters

They stand with the looters.

At least 13 employees of the Joe Biden campaign have donated money to bail out rioters in Minneapolis and across the country, a questionable decision that places the Democratic campaign staffers firmly on the side of the riotous looters and protestors.

Reuters reported on Saturday that it had identified at least 13 Biden campaign operatives who donated to various pro-George Floyd protestor funds, some of which explicitly advertised that they would spend the money on bail funding for those who were charged with crimes related to the race riots.

Biden campaign official Andrew Bates framed the bail fund donations on the basis of Biden’s opposition to the cash bail system, when asked about the donations. Bates claimed that cash bail represents a “modern day debtors prison.”

In an email response to the development of Biden staffers raising bail money for Minneapolis rioters, the Trump campaign slammed the fundraising move. The Trump campaign said it was “disturbing” that Biden’s staff “would financially support the mayhem that is hurting innocent people and destroying what good people spent their lives building.”

Another Biden staffer named Colleen May who tweeted an image of a $50 donation receipt to the Minnesota Freedom Fund described the bail fundraising as a social justice tactic, saying...

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1 comment:

  1. Umm wouldn't that be misuse of campaign funds?


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