90 Miles From Tyranny : When That Which You Support Consumes You.....

Sunday, May 31, 2020

When That Which You Support Consumes You.....


  1. What's utterly stupid and senseless Ahmed M is your abject ignorance of what is behind the RIOTS and LOOTING. What started as righteous disgust, has been turned into an attempt to overthrow our way of life. You are an idiot and a joiner who has been used by those who care nothing about you or your business, including the authoritarian puppet masters you so blindly follow and the useless thugs who contribute nothing. You received what you deserved. Welcome to The United States shit for brains, equal opportunity for all, including the opportunity to participate with all the possible consequences.

  2. Better to have such out of business. As to innocent? He wasn't. As well, he wasn't strangled. Most likely the drugs or/and alcohol, confinement along with his health issues, and continued resistance were what led to his death. Most likely, the cop involved will get a reverse O.J. ruling. Which would probably be a shame, save that big city cops are rather liberal. Everyone is playing stupid games, winning stupid prizes. Can't say I care. Keep voting dem until, as very possibly in Minneapolis St. Paul, Chicago, Illinois, California, N.J., and others, it is so rigged there isn't a choice.

    And, no, Ahmed is not your friend. He will always choose his kind's side. Apologies are bogus. And, next time, he will be on the real criminal's side again.


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