90 Miles From Tyranny : Antifa Protester: “I Can’t Wait Until Black People Lynch White People”

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Antifa Protester: “I Can’t Wait Until Black People Lynch White People”

Leftists burn U.S. flags, chant “death to America!”

An Antifa protester at a demonstration near Seattle was filmed proudly proclaiming, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people.”

Yes, really.

The chant was heard during a far-left black bloc protest against a Billy Graham association event.

At first a woman is heard stating, “I can’t wait until black people hang you, I can’t wait.”

When she is asked to repeat the statement, she proudly clarifies, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people.”

When asked if anyone else in the group agrees with the statement, a man puts his hand up and says “I do, I do!”

According to journalist Andy Ngo, the leftists also chanted “death to America!” while burning U.S. flags.

As we highlighted last month, a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis were caught on camera telling a white liberal ally, “You’re white! You don’t belong!” before demanding that...

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1 comment:

  1. BLM isn't done stealing from and lynching their own people.


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