90 Miles From Tyranny : Black Parent Compares Critical Race Theory to KKK Intimidation Tactics

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Black Parent Compares Critical Race Theory to KKK Intimidation Tactics

Parents describe Virginia's Loudoun County as 'ground zero' in the fight against woke education

A black mother slammed critical race theory at a school board meeting in the nation's richest county Tuesday, comparing the radical education standards to tactics used by Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to demean black people.

"Critical race theory is not an honest dialogue, it is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves," Shawntel Cooper said at the Loudoun County School Board meeting Tuesday night. "Critical race theory is racist, it is abusive, it discriminates against one's color. … You can not tell me what is or is not racist."

A source close to Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon that the mother doesn't want to speak out nationally, citing fear of negative publicity. The Loudoun County School Board did not return a request for comment.

Parents of Loudoun County Public Schools students have rebelled against the district's efforts to adopt radical curriculum standards. One parent group launched a recall campaign against six of the Loudoun County School Board members in March. Other groups have tracked the school board's attempts to silence parents who oppose the district's recently adopted "culturally responsive" curriculum framework.

Cooper spoke during the comment section of a contentious school board meeting, where parents expressed concerns ranging from school reopening to critical race theory.

Several parents objected to the books included in the district's Diverse Book Collection, an initiative designed to expose students to authors of varying races, gender identities, and sexual orientations. A group of parents that included Elizabeth Perrin and Patti Menders read aloud passages from Monday's Not Coming, a sexually explicit novel assigned to students in an honors English class.

Menders read a section of the book that describes a girl being assaulted. She told the board members that if they felt uncomfortable listening, the book should not be offered to...

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  1. This woman is a pioneer.

  2. Until someone stated, "didn't white people tell you to wear a mask?" oops that was never said.


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