90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #1607

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Visage à trois #1607

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Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


  1. To dismiss even one part of one amendment will end with dismissal of the whole Constitution. That's the goal. The method is not wholesale attack on the Constitution, but to sneakily pick off part by part.

    Free speech is one of five parts of the 1A. Already it seems plausible to many that free speech be restricted.

    1. Debate is fine and to be encouraged. But it is wrong avenue here (Mayorkas, and others). Debate allows them to have a say (duh) but also allows the opportunity to exercise their duplicitous means. Circular logic, pretending to not understand, fallacies.

      Better is to render the facts, free of rhetoric. Expose the lies. Then ACT upon it.

    2. Mayorkas, Barr, Wray, abd a host of others are already proven to have not honored their oath, to betray The People to subvert the goverment; in conspiracy and individually.

      The conundrim is none in government are prosecuting the wicked.

  2. To: Mike/90 Miles

    Is there a time limit or word limit to making a comment?

    Even when I am succinct my comment sometimes gets wiped before I can post.

    1. I greatly appreciate what you do here. I suspect you, like seemingly every other blog, have had problems with spammers or bots.

  3. Conservatives like to say debate is healthy, debate is good but Conservatives need to stipulate our rights are not up for debate.

  4. That guy that abruptly changed lanes has got some keen SA.


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