90 Miles From Tyranny : James O’Keefe: Mark Kelly ‘Deceives AZ Voters’ on Gun Control Intentions

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Monday, October 5, 2020

James O’Keefe: Mark Kelly ‘Deceives AZ Voters’ on Gun Control Intentions

James O’Keefe released Part 1 of his undercover videos on senate candidate Mark Kelly (D) and claimed Kelly “deceives AZ voters” as to the true nature of his gun control intentions.

O’Keefe spoke with Angelica Carpio, a field organizer for Mission for Arizona. O’Keefe describes Mission for Arizona as “basically Arizona’s Democrat Party and an extension of the Mark Kelly campaign.”

Carpio told O’Keefe, “[Kelly] just wants to get elected first. … Arizona is a very Republican state in general, like a red state. And I know, actually, right now it’s purple technically, but I think he just wants to get those independents. He wants to get those Republicans that don’t trust Trump anymore, and one of their main issues is guns.”

She went on to suggest that this is why Kelly has not voiced his gun control positions. She said, “I think it’s because he just wants to get elected first and then he wants to go further.”

Carpio mentions that “staffers” want Kelly to come out and discuss his gun control plans now, but “he’s trying to be elected, and then he’ll implement the measures.”

On April 20, 2020, Breitbart News reported that Kelly was not mentioning his support of stringent gun control during campaign stops in Arizona.

For example, his stops did not include a mention of his support for universal background checks, even though such checks would impact Arizonans greatly by criminalizing gun sales that occur apart from seeking government permission via a background check. Such checks already apply to retail sales, but Kelly wants to expand them to private sales, too. This means that a neighbor could not legally sell a gun to a lifelong neighbor unless first getting government permission via a background check; it means one coworker could not sell a five-shot .38 revolver to another coworker, even if they have known each other for decades without first getting government permission via a background check.

Kelly and his wife, Gabby Giffords, have spent years assuring Americans that background checks are key to making America safer. However, they do not mention that when Kelly’s wife was attacked on January 8, 2011, her attacker used a gun he had acquired via a...

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1 comment:

Brewvet said...

He's an astronaut and, generally speaking, I like and respect astronauts. However, several astronauts I like and respect more (Tom Stafford, Charlie Duke and Jack Lousma) have called him out for being a tax and spend democrat and vehemently anti-gun. So, therefore, I hope Mark Kelly loses HUGE.