90 Miles From Tyranny : Soros Operative Openly Pines for America to Get Overthrown and Conquered by Foreign Powers

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Monday, October 5, 2020

Soros Operative Openly Pines for America to Get Overthrown and Conquered by Foreign Powers

These leftists hate America.

A veteran operative of the George Soros network is openly pining on social media for a foreign invader to march into the U.S. and take over.

The self-described queer atheist social justice warrior Zack Ford made the declaration on his Twitter account. Ford works as the press secretary for the Alliance for Justice, a left-wing special interest group that has been funded by the Soros network. He had previously written for ThinkProgress before the fake news propaganda outlet went belly up last year.

“Anybody else feeling like this would be a great time for the U.S. to be conquered? Like not a violent war, just a really peaceful takeover — more like an intervention by all the other friendly democracies out there who’ve been watching what’s been going on here,” Ford wrote in a tweet.

Ford’s dream is that socialist countries revoke U.S. sovereignty and take over because orange man bad, or something. Here is Ford’s idea of an ultra-effeminate coup that would effectively revoke democracy for the American people because of his feelings:

United States, do you know why we brought you here today? Your Constitution was built on a foundation of inequality, all your branches of government have been co-opted by minority rule, and you’re endangering the whole world with your ineptness…

In short, you’re toxic, and we’re just not putting up with it anymore. We’re here to give you a fresh start, a nice little makeover, and something more resembling the much better forms of democracy we’ve figured out since you got it all started back in 1619 — I mean 1776…

“We’re just such a hot mess, and it sounds so much easier to fix things if we just got a full reboot instead of trying to make work everything as we have it now. These are my uplifting dystopian thoughts for...

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curious observant said...

Soros, a true enemy of America. Why hasn't he been taken out ?

the old goat said...

Sure, I'll go along with a reboot...of the US Constitution! Let's get back to the basics! Liberty for all!

DOB said...

How about we take up a collection for soros's funeral. It can be a turnkey affair starting with his demise.

TVMA Doc said...

He avoids that fact that it isn't "rule by the minority" it is "rule of LAW". Our system is one of the few that isn't always about "majority rules". Majority rules is tyranny of the majority. The only fair system is a republic that vehemently protects the rights of the minority against the wishes of the majority because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

ruralcounsel said...

He may get his reboot, but I doubt it will play out like his little fantasy "intervention." He doesn't seem to realize that he's asking other "democracies" (none of which are full-on democracies, but rather republican style governments) to intervene and disrupt the will of another democratic republic, merely because he isn't in the majority and isn't able to impose his totalitarian schemes on the rest of us. This will play out closer to Bosnia than to Candyland. And he doesn't look like the type to survive in that environment very long.