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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

CCP hints at nuclear war over Biden’s superficial probe of the virus origins

The editor of China’s state-run Global Times has reportedly warned that communist China needs to prepare for nuclear war with the United States after President Joe Biden ordered the U.S. Intelligence community to redouble their efforts in investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

No one even believes Biden plans to do anything more than the most superficial probe. And still, they want to nuke us. Not only is the CCP responsible for the virus damaging the world, but they also insist no one question their role in spreading the Wuhan virus from China, aka the China Virus.

State propaganda merchant Hu Xijin made the comments:

“Given the intensifying US strategic containment of China, I would like to remind once again that we have many urgent tasks, but one of the most important is to keep rapidly increasing the number of nuclear warheads and strategic missiles like the Dongfeng 41 with extremely long-range and high survival capabilities,” Hu wrote in a post translated by Chinese human rights activist Jennifer Zeng. “This is the cornerstone of China’s strategic resilience against the United States.”

“We must be prepared for a high-intensity showdown between the US and China, at which point a large number of DF-41 and JL-2 and JL-3 will be the backbone of our strategic will. Our nuclear missiles must be so numerous that the US elite will tremble at the thought of military confrontation with China at that time,” Hu continued. “On such a basis, we can calmly and actively manage our differences with the US and avoid all kinds of gunfire. As US hostility toward China continues to burn, we need to use our strength and the unbearable risks they would face if they took the risk to force them to remain...

This Is Why Donald Trump Is So Scary....


Fauci agreed to 'work together' with Chinese official on the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, new emails show

Dr. Anthony Fauci communicated with a Chinese official about the United States's coronavirus response and said they'd “get through this together,” a newly released email batch shows.

“Let’s work together to get the virus out of the earth,” said George Gao, the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in an email correspondence.

Gao initiated the email correspondence after a science magazine misreported him, worried a comment the outlet included may have potentially offended Fauci.

The science magazine cited Gao as saying the United States and other countries were making a “big mistake” at the time for not requiring people to wear personal, protective face masks.
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“I saw the Science interview, how could I say such a word ‘big mistake’ about others? That was the journalist’s wording. Hope you understand,” Gao wrote to Fauci.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and then-spokesman of Trump’s coronavirus task force, responded: “I understand completely. No problem. We will get through this together.”

The exchange came as Trump was blaming China and its government’s attempt to cover suspected origins of the pandemic outbreak at a virology lab in Wuhan.

Gao followed up with Fauci again in April, wishing him well amid criticisms he was receiving from Trump and others, the emails show.

“I saw some news (hope it is fake) that [you] are being attacked by some people. Hope you are well under such an irrational situation,” Gao said in an email on April 8, 2020.

Fauci thanked him for the “kind note,” adding: “All is well despite some crazy people in this world.”

The 866 pages of Fauci’s released emails also include messages to and from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the...

‘Too Long For Me To Read’: Emails Show Fauci Ignored PhD Physicist Warnings Over Fake Chinese COVID Data.

Private emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request reveal him ignoring warnings from a PhD physicist about trusting the Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 data.

“Too long for me to read,” Fauci wrote in response to an email from Dr. Erik Nilsen, a published PhD physicist and CEO of neuroscience research company Bio-Signal.

And while Fauci may not have had time to read the email outlining Chinese Communist Party (CCP) manipulation of COVID-19 data, he has found time to author a book about his “life philosophy”, promote children’s books pushing COVID-19 vaccines, and even deliver commencement addresses at controversial universities conducting gain-of-function research.


The email from Nilsen warns that the data the CCP was sharing with the world regarding COVID-19 death counts was fraudulent:

I’m confident that China stop counting dead COVID-19 infected bodies since —January 7 2020. They’ve been adding fabricated data daily to show (to save face) the world and their own people an impressive flattening of China outbreak curve. It’s easy to prove this via data analysis because, for example, improbable coincidences occurred in...

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