90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Edibaldo “Eddie” Durancould run but he couldn’t hide from justice forever.

Arrested last year in his native Puebla, Mexico, following a four-year hunt after savagely beating and raping a Fairfield college student, the 29-year-old Duran stood before a judge Thursday and pleaded guilty to his crime.

In the back of the courtroom his victim’s family sat crying.

Through a Spanish interpreter, Duran pleaded guilty to home invasion and aggravated first-degree sexual assault.

He nodded his head as Superior Court Judge Robert Devlin told Duran he would sentence him to 20 years in prison on July 12.

In the early morning of Sept. 1, 2014, Labor Day, police said Duran broke into the Berkeley Road home of a Sacred Heart University student.

Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Colleen Zingaro told the judge that the victim related she had been asleep when she was awakened by the sound of her bedroom door opening. A man, later identified as Duran, entered the woman’s bedroom and...

Commander In Chief Trump pardons former US soldier who killed Iraqi prisoner

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has pardoned a former U.S. soldier convicted in 2009 of killing an Iraqi prisoner, the White House announced Monday.

Trump signed an executive grant of clemency, a full pardon, for former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna, of Oklahoma, press secretary Sarah Sanders said.

Behenna was convicted of unpremeditated murder in a combat zone after killing a suspected al-Qaida terrorist in Iraq. He was paroled in 2014 and had been scheduled to remain on parole until 2024.

A military court had sentenced Behenna to 25 years in prison. However, the Army's highest appellate court noted concern about how the trial court had handled Behenna's claim of self-defense, Sanders said. The Army Clemency and Parole Board also reduced his sentence to 15 years and paroled him as soon as he was eligible.

Behenna's case attracted broad support from the military, Oklahoma elected officials and the public, Sanders said. She added that Behenna was a model prisoner while serving his sentence, and "in light of these facts, Mr. Behenna is entirely deserving" of...

Our Immigration Laws Need Fixing...

House Democrats Ready Vote to Undercut Health Care Innovation

House Democrats this week will vote on HR 986, a bill that would harm Americans by leading to fewer health care choices and higher health care costs. It also would undercut what polls tell us 64% of Americans say they want in health care: to build on what is working and fix what isn’t.

The bill would undo the Trump administration’s regulatory relief efforts designed to allow more innovative health care solutions, which provided a small escape hatch from Obamacare’s one-size-fits-all solution. Innovation is key to addressing Obamacare’s failure to offer affordable health care that helps people access the doctors they want to see.

Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, provides states with limited authority to escape the law’s mandates (through a “waiver process”) and test new approaches to undoing some of this damage.

To make incremental progress toward the goal of expanding affordable choices in health coverage, the Trump administration rightly simplified the unnecessarily restrictive waiver process established by the Obama administration.

This change has been critical to helping provide consumers near-term relief—without new federal spending. Heritage Foundation research shows that several states successfully have used a waiver to change market conditions sufficiently that premiums fell for individual health insurance and enrollment expanded—all while protecting the ability of people with high health care costs to...

Thugs Loyal To Maduro Decapitate Opposition Members ISIS Style

In 2014 the whole world was scandalized when several videos of the terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS) showed their members beheading prisoners.

Today, in Venezuela, equally frightening events are taking place, but this time is not ISIS, but the thugs who serve Nicolas Maduro who are beheading those who oppose the regime.

During the last few days a video has spread all over social media, and via WhatsApp groups, in which two thugs loyal to the regime show the heads of two men they have just beheaded as trophies. Among laughter, while showing both heads, they say: “Look, this one and this one were supporting President Guaidó.”

Like ISIS, the intention of these groups of thugs loyal to the regime record and disseminate these terrorist acts to intimidate and send a threat to the followers of President Guaidó. They seek to sow fear among Venezuelans

The video in question is not different from videos of ISIS performing beheadings. The only difference is that the scenario is Venezuela, it has nothing to do with the Middle East and its historical problems with Muslim extremist groups, we are talking about the West, about a country that is located in the Americas, a country that in the 1960s was richer than Norway.

How far will the socialist regime and its thugs go? What else has to happen for the West to stop issuing statements about the situation in Venezuela instead of doing something about it?

While this scary video goes viral on social media, Venezuelan journalist Osmary Hernandez, a CNN En Español correspondent, reports that the tyrant Nicolás Maduro has said: “We will decapitate anyone whose head has to be cut off because...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #614

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, May 6, 2019

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Re-Elect Success, Re-Elect President Trump 2020!!

Winter Is Coming. (For Leftists, Communists, Democrats, And Deep State Traitors)

4 Big Issues in Attorney General’s First Hearing After Getting Mueller Report