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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Former Clinton and Obama Adviser Found Dead by ‘Suicide’ in March

An economist with close ties to the Clintons and Barack Obama committed suicide in March, according to reports.

Professor Alan Krueger, a family man known for his smile, was found dead in his home, according to Princeton Police.

According to a statement released by his employer Princeton University, the professor took his own life.

Krueger served as a senior adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. In June his long awaited book Rockonomics is set to be released.

The 58-year-old committed suicide, his family said in a separate statement released by the school Monday, New York Post reports.

“It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Princeton professor of economics took his own life over the weekend,” the statement said. “The family requests the time and space to grieve and remember him.”

Krueger served as a Labor Department economist under Clinton, then as a top Treasury official for Obama. From 2011 to 2013, he was chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.

However, some people are speculating that the Clinton associate’s death is “suspicious.”

Is this another Clinton Body Bag? Alan Krueger, Who Served Under Hillary Clinton, found dead by “Suicide”. How many friends or business associates of the Clintons have suddenly “killed themselves”? It’s gotta be over a 100, folks. These are Bad Bad people. https://people.com/politics/alan-krueger-economist-dead-from-suicide/ 

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How Inmate Hid A 24" Machete In Belly Fat Roll

Metal detectors failed to spot weapon stashed on suspect

MAY 6--A judge has ordered a mental evaluation for the Tennessee man who had a 24-inch machete “so deeply tucked into and covered by” a roll of belly fat that metal detectors failed to reveal the weapon’s presence when he was recently booked into a Memphis jail.

Freddrick Johnson, 30, was busted in mid-December for aggravated criminal trespass at a bus station where he was known to “masturbate publicly and otherwise disrupt and cause fear amongst the passengers, patrons and staff,” according to a complaint affidavit.

When Memphis Police Department officers conducted a “thorough pat-down” of Johnson, they found two folding knives, a taser, and multiple bags containing what appeared to be controlled substances (but actually were imitation narcotics).

At the time of his collar, Johnson was serving a three-year probationary term for a late-2017 aggravated assault conviction. Johnson had pleaded guilty to stabbing a man multiple times inside a Memphis homeless shelter. Johnson had been sentenced to three years in prison, but the execution of that sentence was stayed in favor of his supervision by a probation officer. In light of Johnson’s December arrest, prosecutors have petitioned to revoke the suspended sentence he received in the stabbing case.

How the 6' 2", 320-pound Johnson succeeded in smuggling a two-foot machete into the Shelby County jail is detailed in an affidavit sworn by a Memphis police officer.

After Johnson passed through metal detectors inside the lockup, he was patted down by jail personnel who “located an unknown object that had previously been tucked deep underneath a large fat roll.” During initial searches of Johnson, the fat roll “appeared and felt to the touch to be a...

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Major Report Omission Shows Mueller Was Either Incompetent Or A Political Hack

Not once does Robert Mueller mention an investigation into whether Russia interfered with the presidential election by feeding dossier author Christopher Steele misinformation.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s March “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election” contains a glaring omission: Not once in the 448-page tome does Mueller mention an investigation into whether Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election by feeding dossier author Christopher Steele misinformation.

But Mueller also did not charge Steele with lying to the FBI, or refer a criminal case against Steele to federal prosecutors, as he did when the special counsel uncovered evidence of criminal misconduct unrelated to the 2016 election. Given Mueller’s conclusion that no one connected to the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere with the election, one of those two scenarios must be true—either Russia fed Steele disinformation or Steele lied to the FBI about his Russian sources.

Steele Openly Said He Got Info from Russians

The Steele dossier, which consisted of a series of memorandum authored by the former MI6 spy, detailed intel purportedly provided by a variety of Vladimir Putin-connected sources. For instance, Steele identified Source A as “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure” who “confided that the Kremlin had been feeding Trump and his team valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”

Other supposed sources identified in the dossier included: Source B, identified as “a former top-level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin”; Source C, a “Senior Russian Financial Officer”; and Source G, “a Senior Kremlin Official.” Steele also described a smattering of unlettered sources as a FSB Cyber Operative; a former Senior Intelligence Officer; a Senior Government Figure; “well-placed and established Kremlin source 1”; “well-placed and established Kremlin source 2”; a Kremlin official involved in U.S. relations; a Senior Russian leadership figure; and a Kremlin insider with direct access to leadership.

Steele first provided a summary of the Kremlin-supplied “intel” on Trump to the FBI in June or July 2016, when he met with his reputed handler, Rome-based FBI agent Mike Gaeta. In September 2016, Gaeta provided the dossier to agents working on the Russia collusion investigation at the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C.

The following month, the U.S. Department of Justice included details from the dossier in an application submitted to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court and obtained a court order to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. That FISA court order gave the Obama administration and career DOJ and FBI agents accessto Page’s communications with Trump campaign officials prior to Page’s departure.

Using Leaks to Seed News Stories

Leaks propelled the claimed collusion into the news. Steele shared details from the dossier with Michael Isikoff. Citing a “Western intelligence source,” Isikoff reported at Yahoo! News that “Page met with Igor Sechin, a longtime Putin associate and former Russian deputy prime minister,” and discussed...

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Senate Democrats’ Kavanaugh Poll Blows Up in Their Faces

Voters expressed a preference for judges like Kavanaugh in the Senate Democrats’ Twitter poll.

Judging from a Twitter poll posted by none other than the official Senate Democrats account, there seems to be an appetite for President Trump to appoint more conservative and originalist judges like Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee asked its Twitter followers if they preferred more judges like Kavanaugh or progressive liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. As of Saturday evening, Kavanaugh is running away as the clear winner of the poll, handily beating Ginsburg by a ratio of 72% to 28%.

Almost 30,000 people have voted so far in the poll, which was first posted to the Democratic Party Twitter account on Friday.

The confirmation of Supreme Court Justices Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch thus far stands as one of the greatest conservative accomplishments of Donald J. Trump’s presidency.

The demand for more judges who will adhere to a contextualist interpretation of the constitution could spell disaster for Democrats. Leading figures on the left have begun to express doubt about the viability of a political strategy that uses the judicial branch to force governmental policy onto the American people, avoiding the...

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