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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Girls With Guns

Sharia Has No Place In America...

Here are some interesting, but true facts, that you may or may not have known.

The Statue Of Liberty Opened in October 1886, the plaque featuring the poem "The New Colossus" was added in 1903.

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The poem reflected a sentiment and a need of the time in which it was written. When your glass is empty, your only wish is to fill it. 

Our glass is now full.

It Is Time To Remove the plaque that was added after the fact and replace it with a new plaque that reflects the needs of our time.

Here is my poem for the new plaque for the Statue of Liberty:

To Know America Is To Love America. If You Love America, If You Will Defend America Against All Foes, If You Will Fight For Her Culture, Love Her Culture, Celebrate Her Culture And Adopt Her Culture, If You Will Speak Her English Language Along With Regional Dialects, Well, There May Be A Very Small Chance You Can Come In. Please Fill Out The 250 Page Application And Submit Your One Million Dollar Application Fee, We'll Let You Know If You Have Been Accepted. Don't Call.

It Brings Tears To My Eyes.

When You Need A Lawyer To Explain Why Your Joke Was Funny...

When You Get Beat Up After Throwing The First Punch...

Islam Has Never Been A Religion Of Peace...

The REAL Target Of The Paris Climate Treaty..

Exiting the Mad Hatter's climate tea party

Nunes: Probable Cause Of ‘Abuse Of Power’ By Members Of Obama Admin, Subpoenas “Just Beginning”

Colleague Mary Kissel of The Wall Street Journal editorial board and I discussed recently with Chairman Devin Nunes of the House Select Intelligence Committee the thinking behind the committee’s issuing subpoenas seeking details about unmaskings of American citizens that were requested by three senior Obama administration officials, former CIA director John Brennan, former national security adviser Susan Rice, and former UN ambassador Samantha Power.

“The subpoenas,” Nunes explained, “actually went to the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI, requesting specifically, of those three individuals that were named, the unmaskings they have done, that they did, from the time period of 2016, the entire year, leading up to Jan. 20 of this year.”

Quickly Nunes focused on the politics of the unmasking.

“I can’t get into why we chose those individuals, but clearly this is just further escalation in the concern we have of the unmaskings of Americans by the senior leaders of the Obama administration. Americans that didn’t know about it, and, of course, potentially Trump transition officials.”
Nunes clarified his concerns.

“Every American is masked. The intelligence agencies are bound by law to mask all American citizens that get picked up in foreign collection. What has to happen, if you want to find out who the American is—there’s a process and procedure in place for that. It’s actually very uncommon in most cases, and seldom happens. But the concern I have had, that I expressed publicly, quite publicly, actually, a couple months ago, was that it became excessive. That Obama administration officials were unmasking people in ...

Leftists Need To Watch This...

Best. Salad. Ever.

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

President Trump Nominates Christopher Wray to Lead FBI

President Donald Trump has nominated Christopher Wray as the new FBI director.

“I will be nominating Christopher A. Wray, a man of impeccable credentials, to be the new Director of the FBI,” the president announced on Twitter on Wednesday morning. “Details to follow.”

Wray served as the Associate Deputy Attorney General in former President George W. Bush’s administration and was promoted to the assistant attorney general for the criminal division, before he left to work in the private sector as a partner at the Washington law firm King & Spalding.

During his time in government, he oversaw the highly publicized Enron case and oversaw the legal aspects of the war on terror after 9/11, according to King & Spalding’s website.

He also served as Governor Chris Christie’s personal attorney during the bridgegate scandal.

Last week, Christie praised Wray as an “outstanding lawyer,” after it was revealed that he...

New TV Ad Attacks Comey as 'DC Insider'

A nonprofit issues group is labeling James Comey a political "showboat" in an advertisement set to air on television Thursday, the day the former FBI director testifies on Capitol Hill.

The ad by Great America Alliance is slated to run digitally Wednesday and then appear the next day on CNN and Fox News.

Comey "put politics over protecting America," a narrator says in the 30-second spot, shared with The Associated Press. It accuses him of ...

Destroying The Climate Change Hysteria...

Bought and paid for by progressive big government Globalists...

Morning Mistress - Sporty Camel toe...