90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Morning Mistress

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Night...

Girls With Guns - Halloween Edition

Scary Halloween..

Happy Halloween!

The Halloween Prank..

The Most Amazing Halloween Costume Ever...

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The Halloween Surprise...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Girls With Guns

IFL 10.30.15

Cops Fired For Telling the Truth about Black Violence

If you know a cop, you know a hero.

And today, heroes are getting fired for a new kind of bravery: telling the truth about black crime and black on white racial hostility.

They already have enough to do: George Orwell famously said “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

In Salt Lake City, it is going to take a crowbar to remove the police department t-shirts from the backs of two grateful 20-something sisters who were recently attacked and stabbed by a black intruder. A cop rushed in and killed the predator as he tensed to thrust his knife into one of the sisters. Again. Probably for the final time.

There is a lot of that going around. Both the violence and the heroism.

But at least two cops around the country are now heroes for another reason: they told the truth. And they were fired for it.

The first hero is Lori Lavorato, the former spokeswoman for the police in Des Moines, Iowa. A few years ago, at the Iowa State Fair, large groups of black people created havoc and violence in and out of the fair for three nights.

In their wake, they left a fractured skull, dozens of black on white assaults, property destruction, defiance, and two hospitalized cops. All at, yes, the Iowa State Fair.

When reporters wanted to know why all the black people were violently attacking white people, Lavorato told it the way it was: “In the police report it states that a group of black males and females were out at the fair yelling ‘it’s beat whitey night’.

The police chief said truth was not...

Top Carson Aide Wants Taxpayers To Fund Farrakhan

Ben Carson says a Muslim should not be president.

But his key adviser, Armstrong Williams, has, unbeknownst to the good doctor’s supporters, been praising Louis Farrakhan — even urging Chicago to hire Nation of Islam security guards to fight crime.

Quite the Farrakhan aficionado, Williams had promised to broadcast his radio show live from the hate monger’s 20th anniversary Million Man March last Saturday, recalling to the Washington Times that, “It was a moving experience [in 1995], so I want to be there again.”

In a little-noticed Times column the day after the march, “To Curb Chicago Violence Bring in Nation of Islam,” Williams argued that only NOI toughs can help stem the tide of killings there and temper other inner-city pathologies by fostering greater self-respect among residents.

The Hill published Williams’s piece on October 6 under the headline, “The Nation of Islam Could Be Chicago’s Savior.”

If taxpayers...