90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, August 7, 2020

Anthony Wiener's Laptop Is The End Of The Clinton's...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

If You Betray American Workers...

My YouTube Channel:

Punch, Counter Punch

Girls With Guns

What Does A Government Do After It Disarms Its Citizens?

Here Is Your Palate Cleanser...

Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma Communism Is Bad...

If I listen to your lies, would you say
I'm a man without conviction
I'm a man who doesn't know
How to sale a contradiction?
You come and go, you come and go
Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon
You come and go, you come and go

You'll Need A Palate Cleanser After This Video:

Made You Look.

Joe Biden Loves Him Some Potatoes!

Herschel Walker Is Still A Beast...

..And I Mean That In The Best Possible Way...

Billionaire Oprah slammed for encouraging working class white people to admit "unconscious" racism on TV show

In the latest episode of her new Apple TV show "The Oprah Conversation," billionaire media personality Oprah Winfrey coached a panel of eight guests to admit to their "unconscious" racism.

During the conversation, the guests asked Winfrey how to combat "racial injustice," including inquiries pertaining to which words to eliminate from their vocabulary and how to correct other white people from inappropriate behavior toward people of color.

"I think that's so beautiful… talking to your white friends [and] meeting them where they are," Winfrey said. "Once you just start educating yourself and you get woke … you should just meet people exactly where they are."
Winfrey praised her guests for opening themselves up and committing to self-betterment.

"Your heart has been opened and deepened to the point where you say, ‘I want to be better.' Everybody who agreed to speak here today has done that [with] a willingness to say, ‘I'm not who I want to be, but who I want to be I know is someone who can be better than this moment,'" Winfrey said.

Former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho — who was also a guest on Winfrey's show and has his own YouTube program called "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" — placed racism on a spectrum of severity, using legal categories of unlawful killing as a point of comparison.

"White people [are] not taught about racism, so white people end up incidentally committing racism," Acho said. "While it is not the same thing as first-degree murder, it's still an unlawful act that kills someone. In the same breath, there are degrees of racism. While we might not have first-degree racism, anymore, we still have third degree racism, which I draw the parallel to involuntary manslaughter. You're not physically killing them, you may be emotionally killing them."

Acho described his worldview as being based on a view of "oppressed versus oppressor."

"Black people are currently dying at the hands of...

De-Fund Teacher's Unions...

All School Curriculum Should Be Transparent And Available To The Public.

New Poll: 80 Percent Want to Keep, Increase Police Funding

Including 81 Percent Of Black Americans!

A new survey by the National Sheriffs Association shows eight in 10 Americans want to either increase or maintain funding to local police departments.

According to the survey, reported on by The Washington Examiner's Paul Bedard, 53% said they wanted to see increased funding for law enforcement, while 26% want to keep spending at current levels. Only 11% want a decrease in police spending.

The survey, done by TechnoMetrica, focused on the public's reaction to first responders in light of the coronavirus pandemic and was taken before the death of George Floyd that led to massive protests across the country and calls for police reform, including some calls for defunding police departments.

However, the Times noted, the survey still matches closely with surveys taken since the protest began, including a Tuesday Rassmussen Reports poll that found 59% oppose cutting police budgets where they live. Twenty-seven percent do favor such cuts in the Rasmussen poll, while 14% are undecided.

"This poll makes it clear that the American people are supportive of funding local sheriffs' offices to keep people safe," NSA Executive Director and CEO Jonathan Thompson said.

"Sheriffs must continue to build public trust and the validity of law enforcement," Thompson said. "Each of us must provide leadership and partnership with our citizens of color. We hold solemn our commitment to listening, learning, healing, and action."

According to the poll, Democrats are more likely than Republicans or independents to support funding increases.

"Around 6 in 10 (61%) Democrats believe that state, county, and local governments should increase spending on local law enforcement and first responders, compared with 52% of...

Getting Rid Of Ridiculous Rules Of Engagement...