90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, November 19, 2020



Engineer: Software-based Voting Must Die Before It Kills the Republic

Upon seeing election workers on TV poring over paper ballots and analyzing “hanging chads” during the contested 2000 election, many were aghast. “How could the United States use such ‘backwards technology?!’” was the cry. But as people advocated electronic voting, I and others pointed out the obvious: Such technology allows the massive alteration of votes via software manipulation — perhaps by just one person. This is why, warns a top-notch computer engineer writing in 2020, for our Republic to live, software-based voting must die.

That man, Hank Wallace, has sterling credentials that include writing more than a million lines of code for major companies during the last 42 years and having been granted quite a few patents. Living and breathing his work, Wallace is a man who’ll lie awake in bed at night designing systems and algorithms in his mind. It should thus give us pause when he says that putting his own ballot in an electronic voting machine sickens him because, he laments, he “cannot see what’s behind the algorithmic curtain.”

“You see, the great thing about software is that you can have a chunk of expensive electronic and mechanical hardware sitting there, and you can easily change the function of it with a simple software update,” Wallace writes at American Thinker. This is great for software developers, he says, but disastrous when applied to systems critical to our Republic because they can be too easily corrupted.

The engineer then lists the ways cheating could be perpetrated, writing:
  • Change the voting ratio between two candidates by any fraction
  • Display an entered vote correctly to the voter, then change the vote before tabulation
  • Display a summary of votes to an election official, and change that total later
  • Allow remote modification of vote totals via the internet or local WiFi
  • Change votes or methods at a certain time of day, or at a later date, even after voting machine certification concludes, or before/during auditing
  • Change votes in a random fashion on election day [sic] to make it appear to be a legitimate voting trend
  • Change voting trends by precinct, or using historical voting statistics
  • Update the software secretly with a new algorithm
  • Provide intermediate vote tallies to remote actors who are gaming the election in other ways
  • Make adjustments to the votes of one candidate and tracking adjustments to other candidates down ballot
“Any cheat you could do with a paper ballot becomes extremely easy with an electronic voting machine, plus a lot more,” Wallace then explains. “Want dead people to vote? You don’t need to dig up their identification or voter registration card; just program the machine to register 1.02 Biden votes for every actual vote. So every 50 Biden votes result in one nonexistent person voting Biden as well. That’s 2% that costs you no visits to the cemetery or morgue.”

The issue lies not with the software or hardware, not with the design, Wallace correctly points out, but with the designers. Your election’s integrity can’t be greater than theirs is.

Artificial intelligence poses the same problem. It can be very convenient, but the reality is that many software engineers “grew up in amoral California or amoral socialist countries,” notes Wallace, “and these people have zero moral...

WOW! Affidavits support that at 4:30am a truck pulled up to the Detroit center where they were counting ballots & dropped an estimated 60,000 to 100,000 ballots that voted for @JoeBiden only with NO down-ticket voting!

Somehow, This is Not Comforting To Me....


Is There A Such Thing As Too Much Ammo?


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George Conway: 'Key Political Question' For U.S. Going Forward Is How to 'Deprogram' 75M Trump Voters

The "key political question for our country going forward" is how best to brainwash 75 million Trump voters into submission, according to Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway.

Conway made the comment on Wednesday in response to Washington Monthly writer and DNC Member David Atkins writing on Twitter: "No seriously...how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook? We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South."

"This is the key political question for our country going forward," Conway said, concurring that Trump voters should be treated like enemy powers defeated in a war.

German prisoners of war were imprisoned in open-air death camps like the one above after World War II

Incidentally, Conway can't even control the behavior of his own daughter so I'm not sure how he expects to do any different with 75 million Americans.

That said, here's some of what entailed the denazification process in Germany:

The Nazi Party was banned and advocating National Socialist ideas was made punishable by death.

The Swastika symbol and other Nazi emblems were banned in public.

Germans were made to complete questionnaires about the extent of their involvement in Nazism.

Ex-Nazis were taken on tours of concentration camps or made to watch video clips of Jewish prisoners.
The equivalent process here in America would involve killing Trump supporters who refuse to embrace globalism, banning American/Trump flags, subjecting Trump supporters to show trials and Truth and Reconciliation commissions and forcing us all to attend critical race theory brainwashing courses like...

Dominion Over All Of Us....



BEASTMODE | Cotton: Leftist Charlatans Are Trying to Redefine Our Nation’s Founding


Observing the 400-year anniversary of the Plymouth Landing, Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) chastised the left for disregarding the contribution of the Pilgrims and seeking to redefine American history according to the dogma of the 1619 Project.

The Hypocrisy Of Leftist Leaders: Do What I Say, Not What I Do...

MULTICULTURALISM: Over 500 Hate Crimes Were Perpetrated Against European Christians in 2019

The world’s most persecuted religion

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has documented over 500 hate crimes against Christians in 2019, as immigration sweeps across the continent thanks to globalist entities like the European Union and the United Nations.

These hate crimes have included attacking Catholic priests, committing arson attacks on churches, stealing the holy communion from churches, desecrating images of the blessed Virgin Mary, and vandalizing a pregnancy counseling facility. France had the most recorded hate crimes against Christians, with 144 attacks last year. Germany had 81 attacks last year, with 75 attacks in Spain, and 70 attacks in Italy.

Big League Politics has reported on how multiculturalism has turned Europe into a dystopian hellscape while elected officials look the other way, with anti-Christian violence becoming a regular occurrence amidst the forced Islamification of the continent:
Christianity has become the most persecuted religion in the world in recent years, and this fact is obvious looking at Europe where vandalism and terror are rapidly becoming part and parcel of the cultural landscape.

The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians is reporting that attacks on Christianity as well as vandalism of churches and monuments are rising steeply. In France alone, anti-Christian attacks have quadrupled from 2008 to 2019, as the Muslim invasion has taken hold.

The mainstream media and the Catholic Church have been unwilling to speak about this persecution, as it gets in the way of their social justice narrative of pushing for third-world Muslim refugees to overwhelm the West. They have largely swept this epidemic under the rug, allowing it to worsen exponentially in recent years…

Meanwhile, Pope Francis is calling for more tolerance of the religion of Islam and refuses to call out the religion’s adverse effect on Catholics and other Christians throughout the globe.

“Some may ask, ‘But why does the pope visit the Muslims and not only the Catholics?’” Pope Francis said earlier this year.

“With Muslims, we are descendants of the same father, Abraham,” he added. “What God wants is fraternity between us in a special way.”

Meanwhile, Muslim rape gangs ravage the entirety of Europe as children are regularly victimized with the perpetrators often given leniency by the liberal courts.
The rape of Western Civilization is at hand, and America is...

Georgia Election Auditor Makes the Stunning Claim Ballots Being Changed During Hand Recount in Bidens Favor

A report from a Republican monitoring the manual recount of the presidential election vote in Georgia said one of the counters was erroneously giving votes to Joe Biden that were cast for President Donald Trump.

Hale Soucie is a Republican National Committee monitor who’s watching the recount in Cobb County, according to Townhall.com. He was described by The New York Times in a Monday article as being with a group that was comprised of “concerned citizens of a conservative bent.”

“Despite the careful and meticulous process he was watching,” The Times reported, Soucie “remained concerned that the count was corrupt.”

Here was the quote The Times pulled from him: “This is kind of just, you know, a show,” he said.

Soucie was somewhat more loquacious in a video recorded by Project Veritas.

“So, the second person was supposed to be checking it, right. So, three times in three minutes she called out Biden,” Soucie said.

“The second auditor caught it and she said...

Morning Mistress