90 Miles From Tyranny : To All Mothers: Happy Mothers Day!!

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

To All Mothers: Happy Mothers Day!!

Dear Mom/Moms:

You Comfort Us
You Protect Us
You Fight For Us.

All the little tender things you have done for us,
All the sacrifices you have made for us

We see these things. We appreciate these things.

How can we repay you for all these things?

We can love you
We can spend time with you
We can do all these things as you grow old and frail
We will comfort you, protect you, and fight for you.

I love you mom, more than any words can describe.


Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers Especially Mine!!

Genetic Mutants? 5 Strange Science Facts About Moms


Drake's Place said...

Very nice tribute to Moms and your Mom, Mike.

edutcher said...

Never forget, Nitwit placed in the bottom 9th in a law school class of 85