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Monday, July 31, 2017

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has:  Rule 5 Sunday: Burger Girls
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup


You cant repeal Obamacare? 
Even the ones that voted for repeal knew it would not pass, so did they even want it to pass?
We need term limits and to start primarying  the traitors out.

Ted Cruz And Mike Lee Expose The Filthy Lying Republicans That Will Allow Obamacare To Survive

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Bribed Republicans to Influence Election

5th Street, Los Angeles, 1938

More Interesting, Amazing And Historical Photos:

Filipino man being executed by garrote during the Philippine American War, early 20th century

..On Leftist Gun Bans...

Seeing The Media Donald Trump's Actions Is Like...

Graphic Depiction Of John McCain Being Born...

More Fun With John McCain!

PHOTO: The Tumor In John McCain's Head Is Growing...

Drain The Swamp...

Senator John McCain censured by Maricopa County Republican Committee

Nikki Haley Rejects More U.N. Sessions on North Korea: ‘the Time for Talk Is Over’

NEW YORK CITY–U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley brushed off reports that the U.S. is seeking an emergency Security Council session over North Korea, saying in a Sunday statement, “The time for talk is over.”

North Korea’s launch of a second intercontinental ballistic missile Friday—a missile some believe has the potential to reach U.S. cities—led to speculation that the U.S. would go to the U.N. to seek an emergency session and a resolution to put more pressure on the rogue state. CBS News reported Saturday that the U.S. was seeking an emergency session on Monday, but Haley shot down such reporting as “mistaken.”

“There is no point in having an emergency session if it produces nothing of consequence,” Haley said, before noting that North Korea is already the target of a number of Security Council resolutions which, she said, “they violate with impunity.”

She also indicated that there was no point in a resolution that didn’t...

John McCain stabbed us in the back

Dan’s and Rob’s reactions to what Senator McCain did last week were not an overreaction. Why? Because the more I tried not to think about what he did in casting the deciding vote to keep ObamaCare, the angrier I got. Dan and Robert’s titles of their commentaries sum it up ...

Dan: “It’s John McCain’s America, so Washington is thrilled and you’re screwed

Rob: “John McCain, venomous hypocrite and liar, dooms ObamaCare repeal - here’s what he said about it for the last 8 years

When I listened to what he said about repeal and replace ObamaCare for the last eight years, the more disgusted and betrayed I felt.

Senator McCain has four-and-a-half years left before he is up for re-election. He loves the spotlight, and he has openly criticized President Trump at every opportunity, even if it was not deserved criticism. So this was his opportunity to make sure President Trump did not partially fulfill a campaign promise.

When he said last week on the floor of the U.S. Senate that people should stop listening to...

Morning Mistress

The Redpilling of Pewdiepie

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Media Myths About Trump