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Monday, March 14, 2016

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:
Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

The Right Way has:
Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama

American Power has:
Babe Roundup

The Other McCain has:

Illustrated Art: Armor Vs. Aliens...

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Illustrated Art: Steampunk Girls

AT 18 Years Old, Spartans Were Already The Most Highly Skilled Soldiers Of Their Time....

Be A Spartan....

Free to Kill: 124 Criminal Aliens Released By Obama Policies Charged with Homicide Since 2010

WASHINGTON, DC (March 14, 2016) — New information released to the Senate Judiciary Committee quantifies the public safety impact of the Obama administration's lenient approach to immigration enforcement, in which thousands of criminal aliens are allowed to remain at large each year instead of detained and processed for prompt deportation. Criminal aliens released by ICE between 2010 and 2015 have been charged with 124 new homicides and thousands of other crimes that harm citizens and degrade the quality of life in American communities.

The Center for Immigration Studies reports that only a tiny percentage of the released criminals have been removed. Only 3 percent of the criminal aliens released in 2014 have been removed, with most receiving the most generous forms of due process available, and are allowed to remain at large, without supervision, while they await drawn-out immigration hearings.

The vast majority (124) of these criminal aliens were released in California. In addition, 16 were released in Arizona, six in Texas, three in Florida, two in Georgia, and one each in North Carolina, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Washington, and Oregon.

There Are Three Possibilities...

Judge Jeanine: The Left Will ‘Stop at Nothing to Prevent Free Speech’

On the Saturday broadcast of “Justice” on Fox News Channel, host Judge Jeanine Pirro responded to the protestors at GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rallies, blasting them for attempting to stop free speech by interrupting rallies.

“Since when if you state an opinion are you responsible fo
r someone else’s reaction? Since when if you verbally lean right, are you responsible for the left’s physical reaction? Since when do you have the right to interrupt my First Amendment right to listen to a candidate for the highest office in the land? This is America, not the Soviet Union,” Pirro stated. “This is America. You cannot prevent me from speaking or listening. You cannot censor speech. Free speech is guaranteed. It’s why our founding fathers made it their very first amendment to the law of the land. It’s what distinguishes us from communist countries and totalitarian regimes.”

Pirro continued to hammer liberals, saying they are “so dictatorial that they will stop at nothing to prevent...

Rubio Gives Best Reason To NOT Support Him

There are a lot of things that are important in a President, honesty, integrity and above all, the courage to follow through on what they say they will do no matter how unpopular it might be. Well, that seems to be something that is sadly lacking in Marco Rubio.

When Rubio was first elected to the Senate, he promised voters in his home state that he would go to Washington and wage the good fight against the unconstitutional actions and power grabbing attempts of President Obama. But within days of being sworn in, he joined the Moderate, some would say Liberal Gang of Eight that stymied Republican efforts to stop Obama’s activities on numerous occasions during the next 4 years.

He also promised to fight to seal the borders, and stop the flow of illegals and block a path to citizenship that Obama was trying to put in place. But instead, he went right to work on a compromise bill that would allow illegals to become citizens that was in line with exactly what Obama wanted.

Now he is trying to renege on a promise that he made only a few weeks ago and confirmed again last month by saying that he “might not be able to support Donald Trump if he became the nominee.” To many people this came as a shock, but not to the voters of Florida that originally put Mr. Rubio in office. No, we are used to the fact that Mr. Rubio says one thing and does another. That is why even though he is...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Girls With Guns

Video: Armed Woman Shoots Purse Snatcher...

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Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

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Empowerment Series: Women With Weapons #71