90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It Is Time To End The Dystopian Nightmare...


More Scenes From Our Dystopian Future:

Post Obamalyptic Amerika..

Fox News Debate Planned To Backstab Donald Trump With Radical Muslim Hate Activist

It’s not that Fox News narcissist Megyn Kelly allowed herself to be fat-cat fawned over by Michael Moore on last night’s surrealistic “The Kelly File”  that should matter,  it’s that Fox and Google have turned over tomorrow night’s GOP ‘debate’ to a Muslim YouTube Queen ‘debate participant.

“Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.” (Breitbart, Jan. 26, 2016)\

And just to think that millions of Fox News viewers thought that Kelly’s stiletto playing footsie with Moore’s big fat foot was the most disgusting visual of modern-day television.

All that was missing during the Kelly-Moore footsie routine was the theme song from the movie ‘Gone with the Wind’ with a poorly cast Scarlett and Rhett making a naked attempt to bring full viewer attention back to Fox for the No Donald ‘debate’.
Dropping Megyn Kelly on her own ego, has consequences, Mr. Trump.

Pipe up the ‘Gone With the Wind’ music theme…

“...I feel bad for you,” Moore said. He then wondered why Trump would deprive himself of Kelly’s company: “What’s he afraid of? I’m sitting here. I don’t feel any fear.” (Washington Post, Jan. 27, 2016)

“You shouldn’t,” Kelly said. “I’m a pussycat.”

“You can ask Donald,” Moore said, volunteering to play chaperone for the candidate. “Donald — come down. Come sit beside me. I’ll hold your hand. She’s fine.”

Kelly: “Stop that!”

But when this music stops,  it’s a prime time, televised debate where Fox and Google get to turn the questions over to a Muslim advocate, whose intention is to...

Absolute Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Girls With Guns

Vintage Sci-Fi - The Bounty Hunter

Vintage Sci-Fi - 1952

More Vintage Sci-Fi HERE

...Those Aren't Rights, Those Are The Rations Of Slavery...

- P. J. O'Rourke

More O'Rourke:

At The Core Of Liberalism Is the Spoiled Child..

I Found A Hillary Clinton Accomplishment!!!

More On Our Beloved Hillary:

How badly do I want to be president—Hillary Clinton reviews the lies she’s told..

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon Decision Chart

Sen Sessions On Dirty Deal Of Reid / McConnell /Obama To Grab Our Property Rights

There was never any doubt from the time the Marxist anti-American foreign trash began his occupation of our White House that Hussein Obama was and is the enemy of the American people. While it took some Americans longer to see the truth than others,  many of us saw him for what he was before he even ascended to the throne. The Satanic shroud is off. The nature of this beast and his agenda should be painfully clear to all observers now, even those demented liberals who once believed and reveled in the lie.

The squatter in our house conducts the affairs of his criminal administration from a posture that recognizes the American people as the enemy.  Their goals and overwhelming driving force in every regard is geared towards the subjugation of our rights of self-determination and the insertion of their illegitimate authoritarian government as a mechanism of control, an obstacle to the exercise of our...

Morning Mistress

Monday, January 25, 2016

Girls With Guns