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The Trump-blamer: She looks like she caught a good deal of shrapnel from one of those "terrorist attacks..." These people belong in a zoo...
The problem with feminist women is that men can't see them as the enemy, much as the male Black Widow or the male Praying Mantis can't see their own demise coming at them. Most men were raised to be gentlemen. Unfortunately, at the same time, many girls weren't raised to be ladies...
Britian, is a communist country under the cloak of a globalist socialist one. The UK has fallen.
The last video my youngest son went to a Trade School and makes 6 figures but works around business offices and women there. He is highly intelligent.
He finds women either dumb and lower pay, or higher pay and making far less than he does but they look down on him as he is not a college grad. He finds many of the women that are smart enough have kids and have been through relationships are looking for men to be their kids second father and he says "no way will I raise some kid not my own" so he is single and dates.
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