90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Theo Spark: Marxman - This is Really Funny....

Theo Spark: Marxman.................from Rico: MARXMAN. Hahahahahahaha!! - I think the legendary Kim Du Toit is due credit for this one.

George Washington Quotes

Guest Article - Axiom 4: A Blueprint To Restore The Articles of Confederation

Axiom 4: A Blueprint To Restore The Articles of Confederation
By Ron Holland

Ron Holland
This is the fourth of the "12 Axioms of Freedom Restoration" set forth in my introductory article on this topic, "How to Restore the West."

The restoration of America's first and legitimate government will not be a quick or easy task but it is necessary if we are to survive as a free people and nation. While the US should, of course, retain both the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we must return to a decentralized confederation structure of government like Switzerland or Canada and add in the right of Swiss style referendums so citizens can terminate or initiate legislation when Congress fails to follow the will of the people.

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Girls With Guns

Crucified Armenian Christian Girls


Turkish official teases starving Armenian children by showing them a piece of bread during the Armenian Genocide in 1915.

Divide and Conquer

The World's First 3D Pen

Conservative Women vs Liberal Women

Girls With Guns

Morning Mistress

Bikini Babes