Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
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Saturday, November 4, 2017
"Hopelessly Compromised": Judiciary Member Calls For Mueller's Resignation Over Uranium One Scandal
Earlier this morning House Judiciary Committee representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) submitted a resolution calling for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel overseeing the FBI investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government saying, among other things, that the former FBI director is "hopelessly compromised" as a result of his failed oversight of the controversial Uranium One transaction. Here is an excerpt from a press release posted to Gaetz's website earlier today:
Of course, pressure has been growing on Mueller for the past couple of weeks and reached a fevered pitch when the The Hill recently reported the sordid tale of "Confidential Source 1," a man that the FBI used as an informant back in 2009 and who says he was silenced by the FBI and Obama administration when he attempted to come forward with information that linked the Clinton Foundation directly to the Uranium One scandal.
As we pointed out last week, "Confidential Source 1" has since been cleared by the DOJ to meet with Congress to tell his tale.
Meanwhile, the scandal took another turn for the worse earlier this week when, despite numerous assurances to the contrary from the Obama administration, new memos obtained by The Hill confirmed that, in fact, Uranium One yellowcake was exported from U.S. shores repeatedly between...
“Evidence has emerged that the FBI withheld information from Congress and from the American people about Russian corruption of American uranium companies. A confidential U.S. witness, working in the Russian nuclear industry, revealed that Russia had deeply compromised an American uranium trucking firm through bribery and financial kickbacks.
Although federal agents possessed this information in 2010, the Department of Justice continued investigating this “matter” for over four years. The FBI, led at the time by Robert Mueller, required the confidential witness to sign a non-disclosure agreement. When the witness attempted to contact Congress and federal courts about the bribery and corruption he saw, he was threatened with legal action. By silencing him, Obama’s Justice Department and Mueller’s FBI knowingly kept Congress in the dark about Russia’s significant and illegal involvement with American uranium companies.
These deeply troubling events took place when Mr. Mueller was the Director of the FBI. As such, his impartiality is hopelessly compromised. He must step down immediately,” Rep. Gaetz said in a statement.Gaetz’s resolution currently has two cosponsors, both of whom are members of the House Freedom Caucus: Representatives Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Louie Gohmert (R-TX).
Of course, pressure has been growing on Mueller for the past couple of weeks and reached a fevered pitch when the The Hill recently reported the sordid tale of "Confidential Source 1," a man that the FBI used as an informant back in 2009 and who says he was silenced by the FBI and Obama administration when he attempted to come forward with information that linked the Clinton Foundation directly to the Uranium One scandal.
Toensing added her client has had contact from multiple congressional committees seeking information about what he witnessed inside the Russian nuclear industry and has been unable to provide that information because of the NDA.
“He can’t disclose anything that he came upon in the course of his work,” she said.
The information the client possesses includes specific allegations that Russian executives made to him about how they facilitated the Obama administration's 2010 approval of the Uranium One deal and sent millions of dollars in Russian nuclear funds to the U.S. to an entity assisting Bill Clinton's foundation. At the time, Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of State on the government panel that approved the deal, the lawyer said.
It has been previously reported that Bill Clinton accepted $500,000 in Russian speaking fees in 2010 and collected millions more in donations for his foundation from parties with a stake in the Uranium One deal, transactions that both the Clintons and the Obama administration denied had any influence on the approval.
“All of the information about this corruption has not come out,” she said in an interview Tuesday. “And so my client, the same part of my client that made him go into the FBI in the first place, says, 'This is wrong. What should I do about it?'”
When he tried to bring some of the allegations to light in the lawsuit last year, “the Obama Justice Department threatened him with loss of freedom. They said they would bring a criminal case against him for violating an NDA,” she added.
“The government was taking a very harsh position that threatened both your reputation and liberty,” the civil lawyer wrote in one email. In another, she added, “As you will recall the gov’t made serious threats sufficient to cause you to withdraw your civil complaint."
As we pointed out last week, "Confidential Source 1" has since been cleared by the DOJ to meet with Congress to tell his tale.
Meanwhile, the scandal took another turn for the worse earlier this week when, despite numerous assurances to the contrary from the Obama administration, new memos obtained by The Hill confirmed that, in fact, Uranium One yellowcake was exported from U.S. shores repeatedly between...
N.Y. Times publishes ad for movement seeking to overthrow government
It’s safe to say the New York Times likely would not publish a full-page ad from the American Nazi Party or even from someone as far from the center as Richard Spencer.
But on Nov. 1, the Times had no problem publishing an ad from the communist front group Refuse Fascism promoting mass protests designed to drive President Trump from power.
The decision is ironic because the Times is running stories critical of media outlets that ran Russian ads and tweets from Russian activists during the 2016 election, even though the Russian effort was directed against Trump as much as Hillary Clinton.
The group Refuse Fascism bragged about its Times ad on its website Thursday, proclaiming “Welcome New York Times readers!” and inviting donations. Actors and pop culture figures such as Michael Shannon and D.L. Hughley have also pledged support for the effort.
However, Refuse Fascism is simply a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party. The Revolutionary Communist Party explicitly opposes the existence of the United States and has drafted a “Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America,” outlining ambitions beyond ending the Trump administration. The RCP is notorious for hosting burnings of the American flag and chanting “Two-four-six-eight, America was never great!”
Now, media outlets that have sought to expose tenuous “links” between the conservative movement and figures it designates as “far right” are promoting the Revolutionary Communist Party.
The Huffington Post recently published an article from Carl Dix, who is identified as the “co-initiator” of Refuse Fascism.
Only by clicking through to his biography page is he also identified as the national spokesman for the Revolutionary Communist Party. His Twitter account also describes him as “an advocate of Bob Avakian’s New Communism.”
The RCP is well-known for building a cult of personality around Avakian, its leader. The website of “Refuse Fascism” eagerly promotes a talk by Avakian as one “full of substance, and heart” about the “threat to humanity itself posted by the Trump/Pence regime.”
The “alt-left” has been around for decades, but conservatives have remained ignorant. Now, WND takes you inside antifa with an exclusive special report revealing the origins, motivations and future of America’s most widespread and active domestic terrorist group. Every single American is under threat – don’t remain ignorant about the leftists who openly declare they are coming for your freedoms. Get your FREE copy of “Antifa: What Americans Need to Know about the Alt-Left.”
It’s not the first time the RCP has taken out an ad in the New York Times. It also ran an ad in the paper on Jan. 4 before President Trump’s inauguration, urging “protests that don’t stop.”
Inauguration Day was marked by widespread property destruction, fires and...
It’s safe to say the New York Times likely would not publish a full-page ad from the American Nazi Party or even from someone as far from the center as Richard Spencer.
But on Nov. 1, the Times had no problem publishing an ad from the communist front group Refuse Fascism promoting mass protests designed to drive President Trump from power.
The decision is ironic because the Times is running stories critical of media outlets that ran Russian ads and tweets from Russian activists during the 2016 election, even though the Russian effort was directed against Trump as much as Hillary Clinton.
The group Refuse Fascism bragged about its Times ad on its website Thursday, proclaiming “Welcome New York Times readers!” and inviting donations. Actors and pop culture figures such as Michael Shannon and D.L. Hughley have also pledged support for the effort.
However, Refuse Fascism is simply a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party. The Revolutionary Communist Party explicitly opposes the existence of the United States and has drafted a “Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America,” outlining ambitions beyond ending the Trump administration. The RCP is notorious for hosting burnings of the American flag and chanting “Two-four-six-eight, America was never great!”
Now, media outlets that have sought to expose tenuous “links” between the conservative movement and figures it designates as “far right” are promoting the Revolutionary Communist Party.
The Huffington Post recently published an article from Carl Dix, who is identified as the “co-initiator” of Refuse Fascism.
Only by clicking through to his biography page is he also identified as the national spokesman for the Revolutionary Communist Party. His Twitter account also describes him as “an advocate of Bob Avakian’s New Communism.”
The RCP is well-known for building a cult of personality around Avakian, its leader. The website of “Refuse Fascism” eagerly promotes a talk by Avakian as one “full of substance, and heart” about the “threat to humanity itself posted by the Trump/Pence regime.”
The “alt-left” has been around for decades, but conservatives have remained ignorant. Now, WND takes you inside antifa with an exclusive special report revealing the origins, motivations and future of America’s most widespread and active domestic terrorist group. Every single American is under threat – don’t remain ignorant about the leftists who openly declare they are coming for your freedoms. Get your FREE copy of “Antifa: What Americans Need to Know about the Alt-Left.”
It’s not the first time the RCP has taken out an ad in the New York Times. It also ran an ad in the paper on Jan. 4 before President Trump’s inauguration, urging “protests that don’t stop.”
Inauguration Day was marked by widespread property destruction, fires and...
Extreme Left-wing Fascist Group Antifa Launching Violent Demonstrations on Today (Nov. 4) to Overthrow Trump
The violent left-wing group is planning to start protests on Saturday until President Trump is removed from office. The effort asserts that “The Trump/Pence Regime is a Fascist Regime.” Organizers claim Trump’s presidency is illegitimate. The effort includes a broad coalition of groups such as the Revolutionary Communist Party.
On November 4, 2017: Take To The Streets And Public Squares
in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night — not stopping — until our DEMAND is met:
This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
There’s even a list of prepared tweets for protesters. The group presents their protest against the “nightmare” as a matter of life and death. “It can already be said of Trump/Pence that ‘first they came for’ the Muslims, then the Mexicans.”
Then all refugees. Then women. Then Black and Latino people. LGBTQ persons. The environment, and anyone who doesn’t conform or submit to their vision and plan for a nation cohered around white supremacy and a political form of Christian fundamentalism, that should rightly be called Christian Fascism.
Protests are planned in nineteen cities, including New York and Washington. They’re almost all Democratic cities, located in mostly blue states. Some speculate the group avoided red areas of the country due to higher percentages of gun owners. Also, the police are less likely in red areas to look the other way at violence.
Remove Trump From Office, But How?
“We formed this organization around two main points,” Andy Zee, one of the group’s organizers, told The Washington Post. “One is that the nightmare must end, and second, in the name of humanity we must refuse to accept a fascist America.”
They hope to emulate the South Korean mass protest movement. It began in October 2016 and led to President Park Geun-hye’s removal from office in March. The movement, he says, “captures how millions of people feel right now … where you may face persecution or even death.”
Zee is fully aware the mainstream media leans to the left. He intends to enlist their help. He says, “CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post ‘must go all out’ to “hound the enemy.'” The group cleverly took out a full-page ad in The New York Times that almost looks like part of the actual paper.
Refuse Fascism claims that Trump is a modern form of Hitler who is starting a new Nazi regime in the U.S. “The Trump/Pence regime is more dangerous to the world than even...
Then all refugees. Then women. Then Black and Latino people. LGBTQ persons. The environment, and anyone who doesn’t conform or submit to their vision and plan for a nation cohered around white supremacy and a political form of Christian fundamentalism, that should rightly be called Christian Fascism.
Protests are planned in nineteen cities, including New York and Washington. They’re almost all Democratic cities, located in mostly blue states. Some speculate the group avoided red areas of the country due to higher percentages of gun owners. Also, the police are less likely in red areas to look the other way at violence.
Remove Trump From Office, But How?
“We formed this organization around two main points,” Andy Zee, one of the group’s organizers, told The Washington Post. “One is that the nightmare must end, and second, in the name of humanity we must refuse to accept a fascist America.”
They hope to emulate the South Korean mass protest movement. It began in October 2016 and led to President Park Geun-hye’s removal from office in March. The movement, he says, “captures how millions of people feel right now … where you may face persecution or even death.”
Zee is fully aware the mainstream media leans to the left. He intends to enlist their help. He says, “CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post ‘must go all out’ to “hound the enemy.'” The group cleverly took out a full-page ad in The New York Times that almost looks like part of the actual paper.
Refuse Fascism claims that Trump is a modern form of Hitler who is starting a new Nazi regime in the U.S. “The Trump/Pence regime is more dangerous to the world than even...
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #65
You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Friday, November 3, 2017
It doesn’t look like even an Anthony Weiner-Harvey Weinstein style stay in a sex addiction rehab clinic is going to be enough to save the career of actor Kevin Spacey.
Not only are those who have been subjected to the sexual predations of Spacey over the years beginning to multiply to the point that a London theatre where he worked found is necessary to set up a dedicated abuse hotline for his victims but now it is coming out that he continued his lewd conduct on the set of the hit series “House of Cards” which is big news.
The hugely popular Netflix drama about Washington D.C. sociopaths has been credited for the rise in online streaming video and was preparing for a sixth-season before production was abruptly shut down this week.
Such a move had to be a signal of something very dire because, without Spacey, there is no “House of Cards”, that is how integral that his character Francis Underwood is to the show.
Now the reason for the shutdown is beginning to trickle out – according to eight employees, Spacey had turned the set into a “toxic” work environment with his aggressive promiscuity towards them.
In returning to what it used to do best before missing airplane stories and fake news about President Trump, CNN got back to its cheesy roots by delving into celebrity sex scandals and broke the news after it interviewed the HOC employees.
Via CNN “’House of Cards’ employees allege sexual harassment, assault by Kevin Spacey”:
Not only are those who have been subjected to the sexual predations of Spacey over the years beginning to multiply to the point that a London theatre where he worked found is necessary to set up a dedicated abuse hotline for his victims but now it is coming out that he continued his lewd conduct on the set of the hit series “House of Cards” which is big news.
The hugely popular Netflix drama about Washington D.C. sociopaths has been credited for the rise in online streaming video and was preparing for a sixth-season before production was abruptly shut down this week.
Such a move had to be a signal of something very dire because, without Spacey, there is no “House of Cards”, that is how integral that his character Francis Underwood is to the show.
Now the reason for the shutdown is beginning to trickle out – according to eight employees, Spacey had turned the set into a “toxic” work environment with his aggressive promiscuity towards them.
In returning to what it used to do best before missing airplane stories and fake news about President Trump, CNN got back to its cheesy roots by delving into celebrity sex scandals and broke the news after it interviewed the HOC employees.
Several current & former "House of Cards" staff told CNN about alleged sexual harassment or assault by Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey made the set of Netflix’s “House of Cards” into a “toxic” work environment through a pattern of sexual harassment, eight people who currently work on the show or worked on it in the past tell CNN. One former employee told CNN that Spacey sexually assaulted him.
The former production assistant, whose account has never previously been disclosed, told CNN that Spacey sexually assaulted him during ...
Just When He Least Expected It..
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World ‘Running Out Of Time’ On North Korea, Trump To Tell Asia: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump will tell leaders on a five-nation Asia tour the world is “running out of time” on North Korea’s nuclear crisis and that he will give his strategy to isolate Pyongyang a few months before making adjustments, a top aide said on Thursday.
Trump leaves on Friday for Hawaii, the first stop en route to Asia where he will visit Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. It will be the longest Asia tour by an American president in more than 25 years.
His goal will be to increase international support for an effort to deprive North Korea of resources as leverage to coerce it to give up nuclear weapons.
“The president recognizes that we’re running out of time (to deal with North Korea) and will ask all nations to do more,” White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters at a briefing.
As part of the U.S. effort to push China, North Korea’s neighbor and main trading partner, to put more pressure on Pyongyang, the U.S. Treasury issued a formal ruling on Thursday cutting off from the U.S. financial system a Chinese bank it accused of laundering money for North Korean concerns.
In June, the Treasury Department declared the Bank of Dandong a “primary money laundering concern” for serving as a gateway for North Korea to access the U.S. and international financial systems despite U.S. and U.N. sanctions.
South Korea’s spy agency told lawmakers on Thursday that North Korea may be planning a new missile test, after brisk activity was spotted at its research facilities.
The U.S. military is keeping a close eye on North Korea, which conducted its last missile test on Sept. 15 and its sixth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 3.
Two Guam-based U.S. B-1B bombers flew through South Korean airspace and over the country’s Pilsung Range in an exercise on Thursday, the U.S. Air Force said.
“The bilateral continuous bomber presence mission was planned in advance … and was not in response to any current event,” the Air Force said in a statement.
McMaster said Trump would urge countries with the most influence over Pyongyang to “convince its leaders that the pursuit of nuclear weapons is a dead end” and that it must denuclearize.
“And he will remind friend and foe alike that the United States stands ready to defend itself and our allies using the full range of...
Trump leaves on Friday for Hawaii, the first stop en route to Asia where he will visit Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. It will be the longest Asia tour by an American president in more than 25 years.
His goal will be to increase international support for an effort to deprive North Korea of resources as leverage to coerce it to give up nuclear weapons.
“The president recognizes that we’re running out of time (to deal with North Korea) and will ask all nations to do more,” White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters at a briefing.
As part of the U.S. effort to push China, North Korea’s neighbor and main trading partner, to put more pressure on Pyongyang, the U.S. Treasury issued a formal ruling on Thursday cutting off from the U.S. financial system a Chinese bank it accused of laundering money for North Korean concerns.
In June, the Treasury Department declared the Bank of Dandong a “primary money laundering concern” for serving as a gateway for North Korea to access the U.S. and international financial systems despite U.S. and U.N. sanctions.
South Korea’s spy agency told lawmakers on Thursday that North Korea may be planning a new missile test, after brisk activity was spotted at its research facilities.
The U.S. military is keeping a close eye on North Korea, which conducted its last missile test on Sept. 15 and its sixth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 3.
Two Guam-based U.S. B-1B bombers flew through South Korean airspace and over the country’s Pilsung Range in an exercise on Thursday, the U.S. Air Force said.
“The bilateral continuous bomber presence mission was planned in advance … and was not in response to any current event,” the Air Force said in a statement.
McMaster said Trump would urge countries with the most influence over Pyongyang to “convince its leaders that the pursuit of nuclear weapons is a dead end” and that it must denuclearize.
“And he will remind friend and foe alike that the United States stands ready to defend itself and our allies using the full range of...
‘TOTAL DISGRACE’: Leftist Military Judge Lets Bergdahl Practically Walk Free..
In a stunning and shameful decision, a military judge ruled that Bowe Bergdahl — whose desertion directly resulted in the deaths of six soldiers as well as the injuries of others — would essentially get off with a slap on the wrist.
This afternoon, Donald Trump weighed in on the decision:
The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military.
Twitter Admits To Pro-Leftist Censorship In Lead Up To 2016 Presidential Election

The Daily Caller reports that Twitter’s systems hid 48 percent of tweets using the #DNCLeak hashtag and 25 percent of tweets using #PodestaEmails, Twitter general counsel Sean Edgett said in his written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.The report adds that “Approximately one quarter (25%) of [#PodestaEmails tweets] received internal tags from our automation detection systems that hid them from searches,” Edgett said.
This is incredibly significant not only because it validates widespread claims that Twitter had engaged in censorship that specifically benefitted the Clinton campaign during the run-up to the 2016 US Presidential election.
The Podesta emails and the DNC emails were published by Wikileaks last year, with their contents exposing serious corruption in the Democratic Party establishment. Though legacy press has continually blamed the source of the leaks on ‘Russian hacking,’ this narrative has been largely debunked.
The latest news regarding Twitter’s active censorship adds to questions raised by its inexplicable refusal to verify the account of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and others, despite the plethora of imposter Assange accounts.
Mint Press News reported that “Julian Assange and other well-known government critics are still unverified, leading to speculation that Twitter is purposefully allowing their accounts to remain vulnerable.” Independent journalist Caitlin Johnstone has also reported on the matter, arguing that Twitter’s refusal to verify Assange serves to promote...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release…
Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents from the Three Points station apprehended a Guatemalan national Tuesday morning for illegally entering the United States and later discovered he was convicted for assault and sexual assault in Connecticut.
Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents from the Three Points station apprehended a Guatemalan national Tuesday morning for illegally entering the United States and later discovered he was convicted for assault and sexual assault in Connecticut.
related: Illegal Alien Beat And Raped A 93 Year Old Beloved Grandmother Who Later Dies, Family Devastated
While processing Guilebaldo Ramos-Mendez, 34, agents conducted a records check and learned he was convicted in New Haven for first and third degree assault, as well as sexual...
The Tyranny of the Oppressed and of Minorities
Half of the U.S. population believes that it is a good idea and high time that our country became socialist, on the way to communism. We are told ad nauseam by the highly organized Marxist left that the other communist countries that failed so miserably, oppressed their own people, and killed millions of them, failed because they did not do it the right way. What this “right way” is, nobody really understands or can even attempt to explain. But they repeat it because it sounds right and progressively utopian.
The communist tree planted in this country is finally bearing fruit and these fruits are toxic and poisonous to our Constitutional Republic
They have carefully listened day and night to the propaganda coming from the labor unions, teacher unions, the academia indoctrinating college students, public school indoctrinating mills, Hollywood movies and immoral starlets who make millions and pretend to be paragons of virtue and knowledge, the main stream media indoctrination, the socialist Democrat Party and its race-baiting members, and NFL players who make millions while pretending to fight for social justice, code word for communism.
It will be interesting to see moronic football players lose their millions and lavish lifestyles while adhering to the communist-dictated equal pay across the board, regardless of effort, talent, training, skill, or education. Living in a two-bedroom apartment made of cinder blocks, without an expensive car and a huge bank account should teach them humility at the barrel of a gun held by the agents of daddy omnipotent government they so desire.
But none are as destructive to our society as the Democrat script readers of the main stream media, pretending to be journalists, graduates of the indoctrinating mills in our many colleges and universities around the country. The pretend-journalists continue the communist indoctrination that started in kindergarten, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in every state many decades ago.
The communist tree planted in this country is finally bearing fruit and these fruits are toxic and poisonous to our Constitutional Republic. These rotten fruits want to destroy and replace our Constitution, socially-engineer our demographics, black or white, by allowing any enemy into our country through open borders, and fundamentally changing our society by fascistic means.
I described in my book, Echoes of Communism, what life was like living under communism for twenty years. I have not made any converts though, even among my high school and college students; on the contrary, ever more young people think that how Scandinavian people live is the best – socialism for all. After all, aren’t they supposed to be the happiest people on earth? I was told this recently by a naïve young lady with bright blue eyes. I asked her if that is true, how come Sweden pays such confiscatory taxes and has been taken over by Islam and has become the rape capital of the world? How is that happiness?
Political Correctness has devolved into Cultural Marxism
The indoctrination of political correctness (PC), her forfeiture of freedom of speech did not seem to ring a bell that she has lost the freedoms we are so proud of in America when we no longer can express a divergent opinion anywhere without being...
The communist tree planted in this country is finally bearing fruit and these fruits are toxic and poisonous to our Constitutional Republic
They have carefully listened day and night to the propaganda coming from the labor unions, teacher unions, the academia indoctrinating college students, public school indoctrinating mills, Hollywood movies and immoral starlets who make millions and pretend to be paragons of virtue and knowledge, the main stream media indoctrination, the socialist Democrat Party and its race-baiting members, and NFL players who make millions while pretending to fight for social justice, code word for communism.
It will be interesting to see moronic football players lose their millions and lavish lifestyles while adhering to the communist-dictated equal pay across the board, regardless of effort, talent, training, skill, or education. Living in a two-bedroom apartment made of cinder blocks, without an expensive car and a huge bank account should teach them humility at the barrel of a gun held by the agents of daddy omnipotent government they so desire.
But none are as destructive to our society as the Democrat script readers of the main stream media, pretending to be journalists, graduates of the indoctrinating mills in our many colleges and universities around the country. The pretend-journalists continue the communist indoctrination that started in kindergarten, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in every state many decades ago.
The communist tree planted in this country is finally bearing fruit and these fruits are toxic and poisonous to our Constitutional Republic. These rotten fruits want to destroy and replace our Constitution, socially-engineer our demographics, black or white, by allowing any enemy into our country through open borders, and fundamentally changing our society by fascistic means.
I described in my book, Echoes of Communism, what life was like living under communism for twenty years. I have not made any converts though, even among my high school and college students; on the contrary, ever more young people think that how Scandinavian people live is the best – socialism for all. After all, aren’t they supposed to be the happiest people on earth? I was told this recently by a naïve young lady with bright blue eyes. I asked her if that is true, how come Sweden pays such confiscatory taxes and has been taken over by Islam and has become the rape capital of the world? How is that happiness?
Political Correctness has devolved into Cultural Marxism
The indoctrination of political correctness (PC), her forfeiture of freedom of speech did not seem to ring a bell that she has lost the freedoms we are so proud of in America when we no longer can express a divergent opinion anywhere without being...
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #64
You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
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