Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
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Saturday, June 26, 2021
Mailchimp Suspends The Babylon Bee for 'Harmful Information'
On Thursday, the online integrated marketing company Mailchimp suspended The Babylon Bee’s account, claiming that the system detected “harmful information” in the Bee’s emails. After Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon shared the news on Twitter, Mailchimp apologized. It was too late, however.
“I’d email everyone to let them know [Mailchimp] just suspended our account but Mailchimp just suspended our account,” Dillon announced on Twitter. Like many other companies, The Babylon Bee uses Mailchimp to send out emails to its broad email list. Without Mailchimp, the Bee could not tell its subscribers that Mailchimp had suspended the satire site.
Shortly after Dillon shared the news on Twitter, Mailchimp responded, saying that the company had reinstated the account.
“Hey Seth. We got this in front of our Compliance team and they’ve reinstated the account. Our team followed up in an email with more details. We apologize for the inconvenience,” Mailchimp tweeted.
Dillon thanked the company for reinstating the Bee’s account, but he announced that The Babylon Bee will no longer require the services of Mailchimp.
“Thank you, but we’re moving to an email service provider that doesn’t make these ‘mistakes.’ We’d also prefer to be on a platform that doesn’t censor conservatives for...
Former Army Captain, Purple Heart Recipient Sean Parnell Rips Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley For Defending CRT
Former Army Captain and Pennsylvania senate candidate Sean Parnell ripped into Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark A. Milley for his defense of teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the armed forces.
During a Friday segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the purple heart and two-time bronze star recipient said that the military’s promotion of CRT will “ultimately cost lives on the battlefield.”
“If you are looking for a way to destroy the United States military from the inside out without firing a shot, talk about what he’s talking about and implement Critical Race Theory,” Parnell began, “It makes it harder to accomplish the mission and ultimately I think it will cost lives on the battlefield.”
“I was blessed to lead an infantry platoon on the border on Afghanistan and Pakistan. We were probably the most diverse unit that you could possibly imagine. Northerners serving next to southerners, black next to white, Christians next to atheists next to Jews, rich next to poor, young versus old, and, yes, Democrats next to Republicans,” he continued.
“We didn’t focus on our many differences. There were no hyphenated Americans with us in Afghanistan and what we realized our secret weapon was is it wasn’t the sexy guns and equipment that we had. It was a love and brotherhood that we have for one another that allowed us to defeat the enemy at every single turn.”
“Critical Race Theory undermines all of that. It’s a disaster. When men and women raise their right hand to serve this country, they do so because they believe that America is an exceptional nation worth defending. critical race theory undermines that because it teaches people that America is fundamentally bad, it’s evil, its systems need to be reinvented because at their core, well they’re racist. That, Tucker, is a national security...
Virginia Gives Illegal Immigrants In-State Tuition at Public Colleges, Aid for Private Universities
Starting this fall Virginia will offer illegal immigrants discounted in-state tuition at taxpayer-funded colleges as well as financial aid to attend private universities. This month the state’s governor, Ralph Northam, signed the new law during a heavily publicized visit to Marymount University, a private Arlington college with an enrollment of about 3,200. “These students have grown up in our communities across Virginia,” the Democrat lawmaker said during the signing. “They’ve attended the same schools as their classmates and neighbors, they have taken the same tests, they have played on the same teams, eaten in the same lunch rooms and even gone to the same dances. They are valued members of our communities, and they are Virginians in every sense of the word except for immigration status – something that was chosen for them, not by them, by families just wanting a better life for their children.”
Virginia has 15 public four-year universities, according to its State Council of Higher Education, and dozens of private institutions that will help educate illegal immigrants on taxpayer dime. While more than a dozen other states offer illegal aliens discounted tuition at public universities, Virginia is taking it a step further by also doling out money for a private education. The money will flow through a special program called Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG) that annually provides tens of thousands of legal state residents with grants to attend private institutions of higher learning. To be eligible, candidates must be a domiciliary resident of Virginia as defined by the state code, which essentially says individuals shall establish by “clear and convincing evidence” domicile in the Commonwealth for a period of at least one year immediately succeeding the establishment of domiciliary intent. It is not clear what if any changes will be made to the code so illegal immigrants meet the criteria.
More than 12,370 undocumented students are enrolled in higher education in Virginia and the state sees 2,000 illegal immigrants graduate high school annually, according to the Higher Ed Immigration Portal, a platform that tracks and supports undocumented and international students in the U.S. Additionally, Virginia has an illegal immigrant population of 265,830, the group’s figures show. The nonprofit claims that its mission is to build a diverse movement of partners and...
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #696
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1396
Friday, June 25, 2021
Corruption of Justice: The Attack on Rudy Giuliani

The headline in the New York Post read this way:
Rudy Giuliani’s law license suspended in NY over statements on voter fraud
The story reported this:
Rudy Giuliani’s law license was temporarily suspended on Thursday by a panel of New York judges who found he made “false and misleading statements” related to voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.In fact, Giuliani has said repeatedly that he had hundreds of sworn affidavits that alleged voter fraud — and that is called evidence. Direct evidence, not made-up stories from Giuliani himself.
The ruling from the appeals court said there was “uncontroverted evidence” Giuliani made false statements while he was acting as legal counsel for former President Donald Trump.
The judges — all Democrats — are as follows:
The judges’ ruling read,The jurists highlighted a number of examples when Giuliani leveled false claims about the number of absentee ballots counted in Pennsylvania after Biden had carried the state, which Trump won in 2016.
“Respondent made these false claims during his November 8, 2020 radio program, Uncovering the Truth with Rudy Giuliani & Dr. Maria Ryan, during a November 25, 2020 meeting of the Republican State Senate Majority Policy Committee in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.” …
Respondent repeatedly stated that in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania more absentee ballots came in during the election than were sent out before the election. The factual “proof” he claimed supported his conclusion was that although Pennsylvania sent out only 1,823,148 absentee ballots before the election, 2,589,242 million absentee ballots were then counted in the election. This factual statement regarding the number of ballots mailed out before the election was simply untrue. The true facts are that 3.08 million absentee ballots were mailed out before the general election, which more than accounted for the over 2.5 million mail-in ballots that were actually tallied.
Hello? Did these judges read the transcript of exactly what Rudy Giuliani said about absentee ballots in that hearing here in my home state of Pennsylvania? Here’s the link, and this is what he said, verbatim, about absentee ballots:
Blackie Has Seen Enough, He Wants To Go Home Now.
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White House Rewrites History With Claim That Republicans, Not Democrats, Tried To Defund The Police
Unfortunately for White House staff, the rest of the country isn’t as amnesic as their bossman Joe Biden, which is why when press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday tried to pretend it was actually Republicans, not Democrats, who attempted to defund the police, it was easy to call hogwash.
The pants-on-fire moment came in response to a question from Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy, who asked about Biden’s new “comprehensive strategy to combat violent crime and gun violence” that includes a “whole-of-government approach” to hamper the flow of firearms, provide federal support for local law enforcement, and expand summer programming and job opportunities for young people.
Is the idea that criminals are going to stop committing crimes if they have a summer job? Doocy wanted to know.
Psaki’s response gets a handful of Pinocchios:
Part of [Biden’s] announcement is also ensuring there’s specific guidance to communities across the countries to ensure that they have funding to get more community police around the country, something that was supported by the American Jobs Plan that was voted into law by Democrats just a couple of months ago. Some might say that the other party was for defunding the police — I’ll let others say that, but that’s a piece.
The press secretary’s wink and nod with her “some might say” language was a clever attempt to put distance between herself and her own claims, but Psaki’s suggestion was clear: Republicans were “for defunding the police.”
In case anybody is having a Bidenesque brain fart and has lost track of which party was actually calling for police defunding, remember that while then-President Donald Trump was tweeting “LAW & ORDER,” Democrats were decrying the deployment of law enforcement officers to combat the...
The Dystopian Deprogramming of January 6 Defendants Is Underway
“My lawyer has given me names of books and movies to help me see what life is like for others in our country. I’ve learned that even though we live in a wonderful country things still need to improve. People of all colors should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.”
That passage is part book report, part white privilege mea culpa submitted to a federal court this month by Anna Morgan-Lloyd, one of the more than 500 Americans arrested for her involvement in the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. The 49-year-old grandmother of five from southern Indiana was charged with four counts of trespassing and disorderly conduct even though she walked through an open door and was inside the building for about five minutes. She was ratted out to the FBI by a county worker who saw her January 6 posts on Facebook.
On Wednesday, Lloyd, who has a clean criminal record, pleaded guilty to one count of “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building”—but not before she consented to undergo a reeducation exercise at the urging of her court-appointed lawyer. (Like many January 6 defendants, Lloyd does not have the means to hire a private attorney.)
In an interview with Huffington Post, Shaner explained her belief that “this is the most wonderful country in the world, it’s been great for all kinds of immigrant groups, except for the fact that it was born of genocide of the Native Americans and the enslavement of people.”
Shaner’s legal captives are learning the hard way what the government will do when one resists their commands to comply. Not only have their personal lives been shattered, finances depleted, and reputations destroyed by an abusive Justice Department investigation, Shaner’s clients must be indoctrinated with leftist propaganda about America’s alleged systemic racism.
The purge of the populist mindset is underway, courtesy of the fetid Beltway judicial system and the Joe Biden regime. Judges routinely lecture January 6 defendants about the wrongthink of a “stolen election” while prosecutors openly mock their political beliefs, including home schooling and gun ownership.
“I have had many political and ethical discussions with Anna Lloyd,” Shaner wrote in her motion agreeing to the plea and probation for Lloyd. “I tendered a booklist to her. She has read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Just Mercy, and Schindler’s List to educate herself about ‘government policy’ toward Native Americans, African Americans and European Jews. We have discussed the books and also about the responsibility of an individual when confronting ‘wrong.’”
Shaner also told the court that Lloyd watched the “Burning Tulsa” documentary on the History Channel as well as “Mudbound,” a story of two families, one black and one white, living on the same property after World War II.
On the face of it, there’s nothing wrong with watching or reading any of Shaner’s “booklist.” What is very wrong is a taxpayer-paid attorney—one who is supposed to fight the government’s charges related to January 6, not play along with its phony depiction that “white supremacists” attacked the Capitol—using her authority to reprogram the political views of people she is supposed to be defending. The presumption of racist beliefs is automatic.
But it all worked. Lloyd changed her opinion on the death penalty; in her review of Schindler’s List that was submitted to the court, she lamented that “my Son-In-Law doesn’t believe the Holocaust happened as it did.” She admitted that she’s “lived a sheltered life and truly haven’t experienced life the way many have.”
Her attorney and the government seem pleased with Lloyd’s reformation. “Though she supported the past president in January, she totally accepts President Biden as the leader of our country,” Shaner wrote to the court. “She has worked hard to come to terms with what she believed before January 6th, 2021 and what she has learned since...
Kamala Harris Arrives 800 Miles From The Border And Gets Jeered By Pro-Trump Hispanic Protestors.....
VP Harris has arrived. Not the welcome I think she was expecting. “Que-Mala! we don’t want you here!” were some of the chants by this Hispanic/Latino organized group.
— Informed with Anthony (@InformedAnthony) June 25, 2021
Biden's Infrastructure Plan Empowers The IRS To Exercise Even More Tyranny Over Your Life....
Fulton County Election Official Exposes How Georgia Republican SOS Knew of Voter Fraud Immediately After the Election but Looked the Other Way
An election official in Fulton County, Georgia is blowing the whistle, revealing how Georgia Republican leaders were made aware of severe fraud immediately after the 2020 presidential election but chose to look the other way.
The whistleblower released a memo detailing the allegations of poll watcher Carter Jones, who saw riggers on the floor engaging in the double-counting of votes, violating the chain of custody repeatedly, handling ballots improperly, and bragging they were going to “f*ck sh*t up” in the aftermath of the vote.
The election official confirmed that Jones’ testimony was relayed to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger before he appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes where he incredulously claimed that the state conducted “safe, secure, honest elections.”
“It is my understanding is that the ballots are supposed to be moved in numbered, sealed boxes to protect them,” Jones said in his report detailing fraud. He noted that ballots were coming into State Farm Arena in “rolling bins 2k at a time” starting at 4pm on election day with none of the protocol being followed.
Jones noted that a third party group called “Happy Faces” showed up to help with the adjudication of ballots. He reported that it was members of this Happy Faces group who said they were going “f*ck sh*t up” after election day.
“What is Happy Faces doing to vet the people who they are sending to make sure that they are not sending in people who do actually want to ‘f*ck sh*t up?'” he asked.
This follows the blueprint used in other inner-city fraud centers on election day, as Big League Politics has chronicled since the steal took place:
“One day after the election, the results are still pending and will likely depend on the rust belt. President Donald Trump holds a strong lead in the state of Michigan, but the city of Detroit and their mail-in and absentee ballots have yet to be officially tallied.
In news that will likely cast further doubt on the election results, tens of thousands of absentee ballots arrived in large U.S. Postal Service boxes at the TCF Center in Detroit, Mich. on Wednesday morning at 3:30 am. The TCF Center, formerly Cobo Hall, is where the absentee ballots are counted for Wayne County, which is the home of Detroit.
Former Michigan state senator Patrick Colbeck wrote that the total number of ballots dumped on the counting board totaled 38,000…
Before the ballots showed up mysteriously at 3:30 am, no ballots had arrived at the TCF Center for over six hours, and many poll workers in the facility sat around with...
NIH deleted early COVID-19 data at the request of the Chinese
How will the U.S. ever hold China accountable for the spread of the coronavirus if our government officials are complicit in the cover-up?
The U.S. National Institutes of Health deleted early coronavirus gene data sequences in one of their databases, at the request of the Chinese researchers, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The NIH confirmed to the Journal that it deleted the sequences after receiving a request from a Chinese researcher who submitted them three months earlier. The Chinese researcher promised the NIH they would refresh and upload new data in another database; however, it’s unclear if that ever happened.
The NIH told the Journal it deleted the data because “submitting investigators hold the rights to their data and can request withdrawal of the data,” so in other words, bureaucratic nonsense.
“It makes us wonder if there are other sequences like these that have been purged,” Vaughn S. Cooper, a University of Pittsburgh evolutionary biologist, told the Journal. The Journal reported the missing sequences weren’t likely to change researchers’ current understanding of the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic but do cast further doubt on China‘s cooperation and transparency in the investigation into the origin of the virus.
It’s also unclear the role Dr. Anthony Fauci played in aiding and abetting the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in their gain-of-function research. Dr. Fauci initially resisted an order from then-President Donald J. Trump to cancel a U.S. research grant for nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance linked to WIV, but “reluctantly agreed” after he learned Mr. Trump explicitly ordered its cancellation, Fox News reported after obtaining an advanced copy of the book, “Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History,” authored by two Washington Post reporters.
After the Obama administration banned U.S. funding of gain-of-function research in China, Dr. Fauci quietly reinstated it during the Trump years.
“Fauci was directly responsible in December of 2017 for lifting the ban on gain-of-function experiments – deemed extremely dangerous by the Obama Administration in 2014,” former senior advisor to President Trump Peter Navarro wrote on our pages. “As a White House official at the time familiar with process, I can tell you here that Dr. Fauci pulled a fast one on the...
Ring footage of gun-wielding FBI arresting 73-yr-old veteran, pastor and his son for being at Capitol
A 73-year-old Florida pastor who’s also reportedly a Purple Heart recipient and Vietnam War veteran has been arrested separately along with his son, who’s also a pastor, for the alleged crime of participating in the Jan. 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol.
The separate arrests of James Cusick and his son, Casey, by federal authorities, occurred Thursday morning, according to Cusick’s daughter, Staci.
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on, and there was about four or five other cars with them,” Staci told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview after the arrests. She lives with her father.
“They came up to our front door, and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door, they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up, we have a warrant.’ He opened the door, and they asked him his name and to step outside,” she added.
After pulling the entire family out of the home, the authorities then arrested her father.
“They asked me my name, and I told them I was his daughter Staci. They said they were not looking for me, but told me to put my hands on the back of the sheriff’s vehicle. My dad asked what it was about, and they told him it was because he entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6th,” she explained to The Gateway Pundit.
This is true. Images shared in the Department of Justice’s charging document show Cusick inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th:
“I told them my dad is opposed to any type of vandalism and that he never even saw any when he was there. When he was standing there in the Capitol, the police or guards, not sure which they were, were talking to him and being kind,” she explained.
“They showed him where the bathrooms were. Nobody was telling them to get out. There was never any type of warning that they were breaking the law. None of that was happening,” she added.
According to Staci, the arresting officers said they understood her position but stressed that they were just going their jobs. This answer was unacceptable to her.
“My dad loves this country. He volunteered to go to Vietnam and fight. He served 16 months there proudly. He has taken so many kids on trips to Washington, DC, to let them see this great country. He’s very passionate about this nation. He’s a pastor and he holds the Constitution in a very high regard. He hates what is happening to this country, but he would never vandalize or harm any government property, or anything for that matter,” she said.
“He’s a very upstanding man and I was devastated to see him taken away. There’s just no reason for it. He did nothing to deserve what we saw this morning. I don’t understand why they would feel okay doing this to someone like him. I think they felt bad about it, but they kept saying it’s their job,” Staci continued, adding that it made her uneasy that the officers were willing to arrest her family just “because it’s their job.”
They also arrested her brother, Casey, who lives about 15 minutes away. Thanks to his Ring doorbell, his arrest was captured on tape.
My brother lives in another town close by, about 15 minutes away. He was arrested just before my father was arrested, but we did not know at the time,” Staci said to The Gateway Pundit.
She added that during the arrest, her 3-year-old niece “was standing right there saying ‘why are they locking his...