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Saturday, December 12, 2020
Revealed: Hunter Biden raked in $6M in just nine months from Chinese business dealings - and that doesn't include the 2.8 carat-diamond he got as a gift
- Hunter Biden raked in $6m over nine months from his Chinese business dealings according to a timeline of his affairs which goes into unprecedented detail
- Joe Biden's son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for 'potential financial criminal activity', a Senate report has revealed
- The payments began days after Hunter sent his infamous email to one associate in 2017 talking about money for 'the big guy' and deals for 'me and my family'
- The money included a $5m payment from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist party
- He also made $1m for work with an associate who was later jailed for bribery
- The report concludes that Hunter's business associates were 'linked to the Communist government and the People's Liberation Army'
- The Senate report focuses on Hunter's work for Chinese company CEFC China Energy to invest in US energy projects
- CEFC's founder and former chairman Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 2.8-carat diamond after a business meeting in Miami, CNN has reported
Joe Biden's son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for 'potential financial criminal activity', a Senate report has revealed.
The money included a $5m payment from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist party and $1m for work with an associate who was later jailed for bribery.
The payments began days after Hunter sent his infamous email to one associate in 2017 talking about money for 'the big guy' and deals for 'me and my family'.
The report concludes that Hunter's business associates were 'linked to the Communist government and the People's Liberation Army'.
It states: 'Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow'.
The report prepared by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, which was first reported by Fox News, comes as Hunter revealed that authorities in Delaware are investigating his tax affairs.
Joe Biden's son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for 'potential financial criminal activity', a Senate report has revealed.
He said that he was convinced he acted 'legally' but the inquiry is one of many legal investigations into his affairs.
The Senate report focuses on Hunter's work for Chinese company CEFC China Energy to invest in US energy projects.
CEFC's founder and former chairman Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 2.8-carat diamond after a business meeting in Miami, CNN has...
'The robot made me do it': Robots encourage risk-taking behavior in people
New research has shown robots can encourage people to take greater risks in a simulated gambling scenario than they would if there was nothing to influence their behaviours. Increasing our understanding of whether robots can affect risk-taking could have clear ethical, practical and policy implications, which this study set out to explore.
Dr Yaniv Hanoch, Associate Professor in Risk Management at the University of Southampton who led the study explained, "We know that peer pressure can lead to higher risk-taking behaviour. With the ever-increasing scale of interaction between humans and technology, both online and physically, it is crucial that we understand more about whether machines can have a similar impact."
This new research, published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, involved 180 undergraduate students taking the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), a computer assessment that asks participants to press the spacebar on a keyboard to inflate a balloon displayed on the screen. With each press of the spacebar, the balloon inflates slightly, and 1 penny is added to the player's "temporary money bank." The balloons can explode randomly, meaning the player loses any money they have won for that balloon and they have the option to "cash-in" before this happens and move on to the next balloon.
The results showed that the group who were encouraged by the robot took more risks, blowing up their balloons significantly more frequently than those in the other groups did. They also earned more money overall. There was no significant difference in the behaviours of the students accompanied by the silent robot and those with no robot.
Dr Hanoch said: "We saw participants in the control condition scale back their risk-taking behaviour following a balloon explosion, whereas those in the experimental condition continued to take as much risk as before. So, receiving direct encouragement from a risk-promoting robot seemed to override participants' direct experiences and instincts."
The researcher now believe that further studies are needed to see whether similar results would emerge from human interaction with other artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as digital assistants or on-screen avatars.
Dr Hanoch concluded, "With the wide spread of AI technology and its interactions with humans, this is an area that needs urgent attention from the research community."
"On the one hand, our results might raise alarms about the prospect of robots causing harm by increasing risky behavior. On the...
All 3 Trump Supreme Court Appointees Decline Texas Election Case
All three of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees — Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett — joined Chief Justice John Roberts and the three liberal justices in declining to hear Texas v. Pennsylvania.
In a short order issued Friday, the Court declared that Texas lacked standing to bring its case against Pennsylvania and three other states whose election rules were changed outside their respective state legislatures, as the Constitution requires.
Supreme Court Order to Texas by Breitbart News on Scribd
Throughout Barrett’s confirmation process this past fall, Democrats suggested that Trump had appointed her in exchange for favorable judgements during the election. Barrett denied that the president had ever raised the election with her at all.
The three new Trump appointees voted with their liberal colleagues, whose votes were never in doubt. Roberts has lately moved toward the liberal camp, and voted accordingly. Ironically, only Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, both appointed by Trump’s Republican predecessors (George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, respectively), voted to hear the case. Four justices out of the nine would have had to agree to hear the case for it to have proceeded at...
VIDEO: Georgia Poll Worker Ruby Freeman Runs SAME BALLOTS Through Tabulation Machine MULTIPLE TIMES
Video footage shows confirmed vote counter Ruby Freeman, whose daughter was identified as the supervisor of a secret vote counting session after observers were sent home, running the same stack of ballots through a vote tabulation machine multiple times while intermittently looking around to see if anyone was watching.
In the footage, Freeman can be seen holding the same stack of ballots close to her body while running them through the vote tabulation machine multiple times.
She then repeats this process with at least two more ballot stacks, furtively glancing behind herself every so often to see if anyone has taken notice of her behavior.
The ballots scanned by Freeman were taken from the suitcases that were hidden under tables until legal observers were sent home late at night.
The Gateway Pundit was able to identify Freeman from her distinctive hairstyle and wardrobe, which corresponded with corresponded with the business she owns called “La’Ruby.”
Subsequently, National File identified Freeman’s supervisor – who brought in the aforementioned suitcase ballots scanned multiple times by Freeman – as none other than...
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #500
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1200
Friday, December 11, 2020
Girl Rolls Inside Of A Tire... Tire Has A Mind Of Its Own....
More Amazing Animated Gifs:
Video: The assassination of Japanese politician Inejiro Asanuma
More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Animated Gif Collection #9 -OR-Out Of Control Bus -OR-
Animated Gif Collection #10 -OR- How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air
Animated Gif Collection #11 -OR- Man That Must Have Hurt
Animated GIF Collection #12 -OR- This Is Brutal
Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
Animated Gif Collection #14
Animated Gif Collection #15
Animated Gif Collection #16 -OR- Make It Rain!
Georgia is in the hot seat as the highly contested election of 2020 continues to play out. It’s bad enough the state’s election is called into question because of footage that came out of the State Farm Arena, footage which correlated with a huge dump for Joe Biden at 1 AM. In another story, it turns out a massive voter database was stolen in 2019. Look at what was contained:
Congratulations on a job well done Georgia. We’re still rooting for your state to continue fighting for the integrity of the 2020 election. The Epoch Times released a full timeline infographic of what happened in State Farm Arena, and it’s very well detailed. We need to be able to trust our elections in...
Critical Race Theory: As 'Pseudo' as Pseudoscience Gets
Racial relations are a complicated and controversial topic, so many are uncomfortable and even afraid to discuss it. I consider myself an exception, given my "suitable background": I am a European-American, based on my geographical place of birth; I am a Middle Eastern American, based on my historical homeland; and I am also an African-American, based on the origin of my species, Homo sapiens sapiens! I came from a third-world country where I experienced racist hostility toward my ethnicity and fought back in various ways until I immigrated to the United States. Therefore, the issue of race relations is not at all alien to me.
Recently, reading a seminal book on Critical Race Theory (CRT) gave me a long forgotten and unpleasant feeling from my student days in the ex–Soviet Union. It was a feeling that I was wasting time and effort in studying inherently wrong subjects that were ideologically driven and lacking in any practical validation and usefulness. (These subjects were scientific communism, Marxist-Leninist philosophy, and political economy of socialism). Studying these subjects and experiencing firsthand their practical implementation had expanded my knowledge about the development of human society only to the extent that socialism is a dead end of societal evolution.
My first impression of the book was that CRT is a shining example of politically and ideologically driven yet illogical pseudoscience. As the title suggests, the subject of this "critical" study is race and the relationship between people of different races, while at the same time, one of its pillars is the assertion that races are artificial, human-invented categories that do not have any biological and genetic basis.
This assertion does not constitute a fact since the question of the existence or non-existence of the biological nature of races has not yet been settled by science. Instead, it reflects the penchant of some modern anthropologists, biologists, geneticists, and sociologists who question traditional race-based human taxonomy and propose to classify people by geographic origins or ethnic groups. But their proposals are no better than the taxonomy of races, primarily because the categorizing of people is not eliminated once and for all, but is replaced with other concepts that still intersect with the traditional race-based ones.
The theory postulates that although "racism" is real, there are no genetically based races, but instead, populations divided by geographical principles. As such, geography wickedly affected the consciousness of Europeans, leading them to invent an artificial social category of races, thereby establishing dominance over the rest of humanity. Thus, according to CRT, racism represents a one-way vector of negative thoughts that arise in the minds of whites — in relation to everyone else and their collective actions, in order to maintain their perceived elitist positions in economics and politics.
Postulating that the concept of race is not based on objective reality, this theory, nevertheless, continues to reference it. CRT theorists ("Crits") reject the conciliatory "colorblindness" approach, as it does not fit their purpose of ultimate revenge against whites. They are not even interested in merely using the so-called "race card" as a pretext for some incremental social change; they are after complete domination in racial relations. The Crits' goal is to unite minorities to fight for power on the side of the left. Thus, it is not difficult to conclude that CRT is racist on its face and in its rhetoric. The Crits' claim that whites are inherently privileged is as foolish and racist as the white supremacists' claim that blacks are intrinsically backward. This is a primitive doctrine of jealousy and revenge that is as racist in its essence as eugenics, also a pseudoscience espoused by...
Richard Grenell: Don’t forget those 50 intelligence officers who called the Hunter Biden emails Russian disinformation
After it was announced Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s tax affairs, involving some shady business dealings with China, had been under investigation since 2018, we’ve been having a lot of fun here at Twitchy shaming all of the mainstream media reporters who either refused to cover the story of Biden’s emails or claimed that the New York Post had fallen for a Russian disinformation campaign.
Before the presidential debates, Joe Biden campaign adviser Symone Sanders doubled down on the Russian misinformation angle. Rep. Adam Schiff told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer it was all a “smear” straight from the Kremlin. Drew Holden did one of his famous threads compiling all of the people who were calling the Post a conduit for Russian disinformation on social media.
But remember those 50 former senior intelligence officers who signed a letter saying the Hunter Biden emails had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation?
“The Biden emails saga.”
Richard Grenell remembers.
This is the second time in two days we’ve heard “Fusion Natasha Bertrand” called out by name, along with...
YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers
A host of software engineers for the platform have formerly worked for Chinese Communist Party-run institutions, raising the question as to why a revolving door exists between YouTube and the China-based universities.
A software engineer for the video platform since May of 2019,Tai Jinjiang, previously worked as a project manager for Guanghzou Shian Technology.
Jinjiang detailed his work for the China-based firm as playing a “major role in successful PLA certification of ShiAn terminal by Ministry of Public Security, State Secrecy Bureau, and IT Evaluation Center.”
In other words, Jinjiang led software efforts on behalf of the PLA – appearing to reference China’s People’s Liberation Army – and a host of Chinese government-led intelligence bodies. What’s more, he notes he “garnered numerous staff awards for excellent performance.”
Additionally, Xiao Chen – who lists himself as a software engineer at YouTube since November of 2020 – previously served as a Research Assistant at Sun Yat-Sen University.
The university – which recently dispatched a researcher to the U.S. who pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over ties to China – has also seen its Supercomputing Center on the U.S. government’s entity list since 2015 – a “list of people and companies the U.S. government deems a national security risk.”
Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?
Of concern to US security interests is China's seaport expansion project at Kingston, Jamaica, as well as at Freeport, Bahamas, China's possible new base of operations 90 miles off the US coast. The projects are an opportunity for Chinese Communist Party intelligence operatives to suborn the sovereignty of Caribbean countries by luring them into "debt trap" economic dependency on China. Sri Lanka's inability to pay back loans for Beijing's modernization of the port of Hambantota (pictured) has resulted in the South Asian country's effective loss of the port. (Photo by Lakruwan Wanniarachchi/AFP via Getty Images)
- China also seems to have a military agenda in the Caribbean region... Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe already is on record expressing China's willingness to deepen military cooperation with Caribbean countries.
- Of more concern to US security interests is the ongoing seaport expansion project in the already commercially important port at Kingston, Jamaica, as well as the port at Freeport, Bahamas, China's possible new base of operations 90 miles off the US coast.
- China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements.... The US can ill afford any Chinese drive to place under threat any Western Hemisphere country, much less the United States.
China's Communist Party (CCP) seems to be implementing a multidimensional strategy in the Caribbean, reaping economic, political and potentially military gains a few miles offshore the United States. China's ultimate objective of its Caribbean strategy may well be to confront the US, not only with its presence near the mainland US, but also with a situation analogous to America's military presence in the region of the South China Sea. There, China created new islands in the sea, pledged not to militarize them, then went and militarized them.
It is important to remember that China also promised Hong Kong autonomy until 2047, then, in 2020, jumped the gun by 27 years. "Hong Kong will be another communist-run city under China's strict control," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared in July. China is clearly not a government that honors its agreements.
The CCP leadership has also been launching a diplomatic effort in the Caribbean with the goal of delegitimizing the state of Taiwan, while encouraging regional countries to open relations with...
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #499
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1199
Thursday, December 10, 2020
17 States, Trump Campaign Join Texas in Lawsuit Questioning Election Results

President Donald Trump says his campaign supports the lawsuit filed by Texas at the U.S. Supreme Court seeking new elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin because of voting irregularities in those states. A total of 17 states have joined the court challenge in less than two days.
“We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.
Trump was referring to his reelection campaign, not his administration. Intervention can come in the form of filing legal briefs in support of a plaintiff or plaintiffs.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, announced the lawsuit Tuesday against the four states, where election results show Trump was defeated Nov. 3 by former Vice President Joe Biden. Each state went for Trump in 2016.
Seventeen other states so far have joined Texas in the case before the Supreme Court, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Tennessee.
Other states signing on by Wednesday night are Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, and West Virginia, The Daily Wire reported.
The New York Times reported that Trump has asked Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, if he would make oral arguments in the case if it reaches the Supreme Court, and Cruz agreed. Cruz has argued nine times before the high court, mostly in his previous post as Texas solicitor general, the Times noted.
The Texas-led lawsuit is an attempt to “disregard the will of the people” and “tear at the fabric of our Constitution,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, and Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul, all Democrats, said in...